Episode 5: Stories About Kevin

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CW: Strong Language

Solo cups clacked together and sparklers were fizzing as children ran across the sand with them in hand. The sun was little more than a suggestion on the horizon of the long and vast ocean as the dying rays of daylight painted the sky many shades of violets, oranges, reds, and pinks as the night increasingly crept in. It was the perfect backdrop for the Beach City 4th of July 2023 celebration, and people from all across the state drove out to be on the shores of the planet's most bizarre settlement to be there for it. There was no shortage of food, family friendly activities, and mingling to be had between both humans and crystallites on this night of historic meaning. Despite all of the activities and people, there was still one who refused to engage in any of it, Jasper. She was sitting close to the water, her Formica-Tech phone in hand, and scrolling through the latest "hot thing" on The Wired as the crystallites from Little Gemma actively ignored her. She looked up as she heard the happy squeal of a child as her parents gave her and her sister bendable glowsticks to wear as bracelets and necklaces. Jasper just rolled her eyes and went back to scrolling. She then heard the sound of footsteps approaching her, and glanced up to tell whoever they belonged to off. But when she saw that it was Steven, she sat upright, but her expression didn't change.

Steven: Hey, uh... I want you to come and hang with us for a little bit.

Jasper rolled her eyes again and stood up, putting her phone in her pocket. Steven gave her a small smile and he escorted her to where he, the gems, Connie, his dad, and a few of the other team members were standing and enjoying the party. They look up and their cheerful faces darken slightly at seeing Jasper.

Lapis (Deadpan): Oh... you actually managed to bring her over here...

Steven tried to keep up his optimistic outlook.

Steven: So... anyone care to tell Jasper what we were just talking about?

Bea met Jasper's gaze, and she was met with a quirked eyebrow. Bea exhaled through her snout.

Bea (Unenthusiastically): We were just talking about the significance of this holiday and how the country managed to gain its independence from another country several hundred years ago...

She deadpans over to the rest of the group, who had the same bored expression on their faces. This was a dead giveaway to Jasper that Steven had set them up to this.

Steven (Optimistically): Yeah! And there was a whole war that was fought in order for it to happen! Pretty neat, huh?

Jasper simply trained her gaze down to Steven, that look of unamusement still plastered on her face.

Jasper: You humans really like to destroy eachother, huh?

Steven's face fell.

Jasper: That has to be like... the 5th war I've heard about where humans were fighting other humans over things that shouldn't even matter that much. Yet they do. At least the war I fought in actually meant something.

Mr. Universe: But they... They DID mean something! Those wars were fought with the intention of gaining some kind of freedom!

Jasper: From what? Yourselves? From what I know, you humans will destroy everything you care about over something as silly as the color of someone's skin. You're all a part of the same species, yet you certainly don't act like it.

Steven winced and Bismuth just blinked.

Bismuth (Indignant): And YOUR race used to eradicate any crystallite that had so much as a hair out of place. So I wouldn't be say'n those things if I were you.

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