Episode 20: Upon an Altar of Starlight

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CW: Strong Language

Steven just stared in complete and utter disbelief as the spectral visage of his own mother stood before him. She was wearing the outfit that he had known her to always wear, but also had a trimmed skirt like that of her Rose Quartz dress. She also now had two long locks of hair which fell to her shoulders that were a deeper shade of pink than the rest of her hair. Where her gemstone was supposed to be on her navel, was just bare, light gray skin.

Pink (Sadly): Steven I... I can't believe you did this...

Steven tried to swallow, but couldn't perform the action in his new, spectral form.

Steven (Disbelief): I..... How..... How... is...?

Pink made a sound that mimicked that of a closed-mouthed sigh.

Pink: I may have given you my gem, but the rest of my spirit was able to move on after you were born.

Steven just blinked, not knowing how to respond to that.

Pink: I... I never thought that when we finally met, it would happen like this... But...

She smiles as dark gray tears begin to form in her eyes. She reaches out a hand to Steven.

Pink (Happy): I'm still happy to finally be able to see you.

Steven broke out of his stupor just before Pink's hand reached his chin. He backed away and glared up at her, his shock turning into unbridled rage.

Steven (Threatening): Don't... touch me!

Pink retracted her hand and blinked in surprise.

Pink: Steven...

Steven (Low): You think that I would want to talk to you after everything you've done?

Pink's brows furrowed in sadness.

Pink: Steven... I understand that you're upset. But please-

Steven let out a loud bark of unsympathetic laughter.

Steven (Angry): "Upset" doesn't even come CLOSE to how I feel! It's all because of YOU that I'm even here right now!

Pink winced as Steven's words cut through her, and the tears in her eyes began to fall down her face. Steven continued to spew venom at her, his tears punctuating every word as they fell from his eyes.

Steven (Upset): How could I possibly want to see or even THINK about you after you were the one who brought me into existence only to be your SCAPEGOAT?! Making ME clean up your mess and mistakes because you gave me your gem! My whole life has been nothing but just a means to end for you! Do you know how many times I nearly or should've DIED because of you?! That whole destiny bullshit you said in those two videos to me and Nora, you probably didn't mean a single word you-

Pink (Crying): I'M SORRY!

Steven stopped in his onslaught of hatred as his mother looked down at him with insurmountable sorrow in her ghostly iris's.

Pink (Crying): I'm... so... sorry... Steven...

Steven let those words sink in for just a moment.

Steven (Apathetic): Oh... you're sorry...?

Pink only frowned at him as he let out another cynical laugh.

Steven (Sarcastic): Yeah... SURE you are! You're sorry for conceiving a child as your only way out of taking responsibility for your actions!

The daggers in his glare sharpened.

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