Episode 7: Planet of The Cetsils

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The entire team was waiting outside of the temple, waiting on everyone to be ready to warp to the new planet that Lars and the Off Colors had made their new home on. Rhodonite was with them, and the rest of the gang were positively ecstatic to see her.

Char: Rhodonite, it's so good to see you! I was actually starting to believe that we would never see you again.

Rhodonite: *Laughs* As if we would actually just completely forget about you! That's what rejuvenation is for! ..... Thankfully that won't ever happen again...

Nathen: I'm still surprised that you got rejuvenated 17 times for the exact same thing. Us dealing with one rejuvenation from all 4 girls was hard enough, I can't imagine how that must've been for you...

Rhodonite was starting to feel uncomfortable, but Garnet came up and patted her on the back.

Garnet: Thankfully, we handled all of it yesterday. So now she won't have to worry anymore.

She smiles at the fusion and that makes her calm down. Papyrus then ran up and hugged her, startling her.

Papyrus: We're just happy to have you back, Rhodonite!

Rhodonite patted his head with her upper right arm.

Rhodonite: It's good to be back.

On another area of the beach, Steven, Connie, and Mr. Universe were all sitting together. Steven had the magical journal that he used to communicate with Lars at his side next to his duffel bag.

Connie: Anything yet?

Steven picked up the journal and flipped to the most recent blank page. After seeing that nothing was on it, he shut it and put it back on the sand.

Steven: Nope.

Mr. Universe: So... you're waiting for Lars to write something in the journal? Is that how that works?

Steven: I'm waiting for him to write in his journal. We both have journals like this, and they're magically linked with an enchantment from the Equitatus Dimension. So whenever he writes anything in his journal, it will appear in mine as he's writing it out. And vice versa with me. Right now, I'm just waiting for him to give us the all clear to be able to warp to this new home planet...

He opens the journal again and re-reads the name that Lars had given him.

Steven: "Set... Sill- Leown?" "Leon?" I dunno.

Mr. Universe: Aw geez... Equis dimension, enchanted notebooks, I can never wrap my head around these otherworldly things... Yet you all can understand them perfectly.

Connie: We can teach you if you want.

Mr. Universe: Really? Ah, I dunno... even trying to learn might be too much of a challenge for me.

Steven thought for a moment.

Steven: Well... how about you take a semester at Harmonic U? We set up the learning system in a way that's easy to follow and fun to engage in.

Mr. Universe: But... don't you guys teach friendship there?

Connie: And Multiversal fundamentals. Tell ya what, try doing one semester and see how it goes for you.

Mr. Universe (Unsure): Mmm... Ah alright. I suppose I can give it a shot, what've I got to lose?

Steven smiled, but all three of them jolted in surprise as a portal opened up behind them. The Fazbear Gang and the Glamrocks emerged from it. They waved at the trio.

Toy Freddy: Hey guys, we're here.

Steven: Perfect timing, we're just waiting on Lars to give us the "all clear."

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