Episode 11: Evolutionary

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CW: Strong Language

The light from the warp pad fades and Team Aurora steps out onto the main center of the Gemma Palace, and find Spinel, Posey, and Blue Diamond waiting for them.

Twilight: Ah, Blue Diamond. We're all set to go. Are Eloma and Krim ready for us?

Blue: Yes, they've just been waiting for you. Also...

She motions to Spinel, who had a packed bag in her right hand and... a strange tube-like thing with blue clouds floating inside it. Spinel bounced excitedly as if she were a spring.

Spinel (Excitedly): Can I come with you guys? PLEASE?!

Alex just blinked at her in confusion, her attention was still on the strange tube that the pink gem was holding. She pointed out her finger in her direction.

Alex: Umm... what'cha got there?

Spinel looked down at the bag in her other hand and held it up.

Spinel: My satchel.

Alex scowls in annoyance.

Alex: No, the thing in your other hand!

Spinel: Oh.

She looks down at the tube.

Spinel: Just a stockpile of happiness clouds in case I get all mopey while I'm on the Ailmaglick's planet. I AM allowed to come with you guys... right?

Alex (Confused): Umm...

Steven: Well, we're already having these guys tag along.

He points a thumb over to the Glamrocks, Gregy, and Kris.

Kris: *Throws up a "rock" sign* Wazzap?

Steven: So I don't see why you can't come too.

Spinel: YAY!

Spinel quite literally springs up into the air and flattens as she lands on the ground again. She returns to her normal stature and beams at the gang.

Spinel: This is gonna be so AWESOME!!!

She extends her foot over to the gang and was by their side in not even a second. Pearl looked around for a moment.

Pearl: Um, hey, where's Volleyball? I thought she would be here to see us off?

Posey: Oh um... S... She's... been busy...

Pearl: Huh... well she could've at least told me. I haven't seen her for days now.

She takes out her phone and brings up the message log of her and Volleyball.

Pearl: And she hasn't responded to my texts...

The last sent text was 3 days ago, from Pearl. Aaron leaned over and looked at the screen.

Aaron: Hmm.....

Blue: I wouldn't worry about her right now. After all, you all have a universe to save.

Alex: Right! C'mon guys! We've wasted too much time already!

The gang agrees and begins running down the palace steps.

Monty: Wooooo! Final Destination, here we come!

Alex turns back and scowls at Monty.

Alex: And Monty, for the love of god, you BETTER behave yourself!

Monty: I will.

Alex's glare hardens, and Undyne joins in on her scowling.

Monty (Earnestly): I mean it!

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