Episode 16: Blooming Insecurity

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Steven: Connie!

Steven runs out of the elevator and out onto the dorm tower's rooftop. Connie was sitting on one of the benches and turned to face him as he ran up to her. She stands up.

Connie: Steven!

He makes it over to her and struggles to catch his breath.

Steven: Hey! *Huff* You got my message...

Connie: Of course I did, I replied to you. So what's going on? What do you need to talk to me about? Does it have something to do with why you've been gone all day?

Steven: *Huff Huff* Yeah... *Huff* Basically...

He sits down on the bench and takes a few more minutes to have his breathing return to normal, and Connie sat down beside him.

Connie: So what happened?

Steven took a deep breath before speaking.

Steven: OK, so... Gialli performed a spell on Lapis this morning before she went with the others on today's mission.

Connie nods, following along.

Steven: And that spell made all of us go into her mind and have her face her trauma to see how we can get rid of her psyche fracture.

Connie: Correct.

Steven: Well... I thought maybe I could have him do the same spell on me and see if I could find the root of all my trauma and why I'm still so affected by all the gem-related stuff.

Connie's mouth fell open in shock.

Connie (Shocked): WHAT?! Steven, are you CRAZY?!

Steven winced.

Steven: I... honestly don't know at this point...

Connie groaned and put a hand over her eyes in frustration.

Connie: You REALLY need to stop doing all these reckless things! I don't wanna think about what might happen if I'm not there to stop you from getting hurt!

Steven: And that's EXACTLY what I want to talk about with you.

Connie (Confused): Huh?

Steven looked away for a moment before continuing.

Steven: When I re-experienced all of my traumatic memories, I realized something... for many of the worst ones... YOU were with me.

He looked at her, checking to see if she was paying attention. She was, but the quirked eyebrow on her forehead told Steven that she didn't quite understand.

Steven: You were there when I fought that corrupted leech-like gem, that night in the hospital, when we all went to Homeworld, AND when I had my gem torn out.

Connie's expression didn't change.

Connie (Confused): What... does that have to do with anything?

Steven grunts in annoyance.

Steven: Don't you get it Connie? For almost ALL of the things that traumatized me the most, YOU'VE been right there with me when they happened!

Connie: ..... And...?

Steven: And... I haven't seen YOU be as badly affected by them as much as I have.

Connie blinks.

Connie: What?

Steven: Think about it Connie! All of those battles, monsters, opponents... Have any of them traumatized YOU like they had with ME?

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