Episode 17: Their Strongest Link

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Steven stared out the sliding glass door in his room from his bed, completely lost in thought. He was only broken out of it when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Pearl: Steven?

He turns around to see Pearl as she climbs the last few steps into his bedroom-loft.

Steven (Tiredly): Oh... hey Pearl. How'd the announcement go?

Pearl: It went well, but almost everyone was asking about you.

Steven rolled his eyes.

Steven: Of course they were...

Pearl sighed.

Pearl: Listen, I know that you just want to rest today, but letting the public know that you're alright personally would really do everyone some good.

Steven breathed out through his nose and picked up his phone.

Steven: Fine, I'll send out a chirp.

He starts tapping on his phone. Pearl tried to retort, but decided against it. Instead, she said something else.

Pearl: ...Greg has also been asking about you, I really think you should go and see him today.

Steven looked up from his phone, his tired demeanor lifting a bit at the mention of his dad.

Steven: Oh yeah, dad. I tried to call him last night, but I think he was asleep...

Pearl: OK, well... make sure you call him again and let him know that you want to see him. He's been really worried about you.

Steven: Oh, I don't doubt that.

Steven hits send on his chirp and puts his phone down.

Pearl: I'm gonna go take care of a few more things. Be sure to call me if you need anything.

She turns to leave.

Steven: Will do!

She makes her way back down the stairs. Once she reaches the bottom level, she lets out a heavy sigh and puts a hand over her eyes. She was then startled when her phone rang in her back pocket. She hurriedly takes it out and checks the caller ID. Her face lights up as she sees who it was and immediately answers it.

Pearl: Sarah! Hey!

Sarah's voice floats through the smartphone's receiver.

Sarah: Hey Pearl! I heard you're back in town.~

Pearl: Yeah, the universe is safe! For now...

Sarah: Even so, I don't doubt that you and the rest of your team have everything under control.

Pearl: Oh don't worry, we do. I meant to call you last night, but it was really late by the time we got back.

Sarah: Don't sweat it, I'm sure you've been really busy.

Pearl sits down on the couch.

Pearl: Ugh! We sure have! This week has SOO hectic! You have no idea...

Sarah: I don't doubt that. I can't imagine that saving the universe is an easy task, despite everything you've done in the past.

Pearl: Mm-hm...

Sarah: Why don't you tell me all about it? I'm available tonight, will that work for you?

Pearl: Uhh... Sure. I have a few more things to take care of, but I should be done with them by tonight.

Sarah: Perfect! There's... actually an event going on at the roller rink outside of town. I've been hoping that you'd be back to come with me.

Pearl (Cheery): I would love to! What time does it start at?

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