Episode 15: Aquatic Stockholm

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CW: Strong Language, Sensitive Themes

Amethyst (Upset): How could I have been so stupid?!

She and the rest of the gang were in the dorm tower common room having dinner. Bismuth and Star Catcher were sitting with Amethyst on one of the couches trying to console her after her disastrous date with Asterism.

Amethyst (Upset): She really only DID like me because she thought I was cute! I mean, she's been saying that all week!

Bismuth: Geez, I'm sorry Amethyst... This is my fault. If I hadn't suggested that you ask her... then...

Star Catcher: No- Bismuth, this isn't your fault! It's better for her to have found out about Aster's true feelings now rather than in... let's say... 500 years from now. I may want people to get together with someone, but I want them to be a couple who is MADE for eachother in every way! And unfortunately, that's not the case with Amethyst...

She brushes a hoof down the purple quartz's back.

Star Catcher: And I hope you know that what happened today isn't your fault either. You did the right thing being upfront about how you felt.

Amethyst ran her fingers through her hair.

Amethyst: I DO know... But it's just... she was so straightforward, confident.. and I've never had anyone be like that with me before... And... I guess that's what made me want to give THIS ONE a shot.....

She paused for a moment and thought it all over again.

Amethyst: Maybe I overreacted... I didn't give Aster a chance to explain herself after all...

A few of the other members of the gang that were scattered all throughout the room perked their heads up at that, and most of them weren't happy.

Macy (Indigent): And give her another chance to try and take advantage of you? No way! I say you did the right thing shutting her down as harshly as you did!

Amethyst hummed with uncertainty as she let herself mull on what her friend just told her. Just then, Black and Chrome came back from choosing the food they were going to eat and approached the group.

Black: Guys look, I know you're all upset with our sister right now, but let me just say that what you're thinking, ISN'T how she is. She's just very-

Char held up her hand, signaling for Black to stop talking.

Char: Don't try to defend her. We all saw how she acted toward Amethyst, and it really DID look like she just wanted another notch in her belt! We aren't going to let Asterism anywhere near Amethyst again!

Amethyst sat up straight.

Amethyst: Hold on, how did you know...?

Her eyes then narrow in anger.

Amethyst (Angry): Were you guys watching us?!

Everyone avoided eye contact with Amethyst for a brief moment at that.

Rosie (Guilty): You guys were just so cute up until that moment...

Amethyst buried her face in her hands.

Amethyst (Embarrassed): Oh my Stars...

Bismuth puts a hand on her shoulder.

Bismuth: If it's any consolation, half of us wanted nothing to do with what was going on. We didn't even know what happened until after you stormed off.

Amethyst lifts her head up slightly and just glares at the larger crystallite.

Bismuth: Look, is there anything you want from the traybles? Cuz I can get it for you.

Steven Universe Shining Friendships AU Season 7On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara