Episode 18: Fractures

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Tirzah Rose clicked away at her computer as she worked on her newest Fire Emblem fanart. Summit was curled up by her desk and Ratchet was in his cage grooming himself. She began to hum along to the song that she was listening to, but then hears shouting and footsteps race by her room. She swiveled in her chair and gazed at her bedroom door. She had heard those exact sounds enough times to know that they could only mean one thing, there was in imminent threat to the nation. She quickly saved her latest work, ran to her closet, and changed into a pink and blue jumpsuit with slits at the ankles for her kunai. She pushed her glasses into place and raced out the door, making sure to leave Summit in the room. The last thing she wanted was anything to befall her beloved pet. She raced to the castle armory to see cetsil guards all gearing up and racing out onto the army path that all royal guards and personnel took. She took flight and flew out above the soldiers to survey the situation. They were all marching to the outskirts of town. She looked up and around, but couldn't immediately see anything "threat-worthy." She trains her gaze on the ground again, and sees that the Off Colors were leaving their homes and watching the congregation of soldiers as they went by. She flew down and over to them.

Tirzah: Guys, what are you doing?! You need to be inside! Take cover!

Left Rutile: Why? What's going on?

Tirzah: Not sure, but all I know is that we might be under attack soon!

Rhodonite: WHAT?!

Right Rutile: Then let us help!

Padparadscha: Yes! I shall go get Fluorite! She can help us too!

Her bangs were held back in an orange headband as she looked up at the princess of the cetsils with determination.

Tirzah (Stern): NO! We can't risk any pedestrians getting hurt, and YOU are pedestrians!

Left Rutile: But-

Tirzah (Stern): No buts! Get inside and take cover! That's an order!

Before the Off Colors could retort, Tirzah turned and flew off to join the rest of the army and her father in heading to the soon-to-be battlefield.

Tirzah: So... what's the threat this time?

Her father, King Roman Star, was in full regal armor, carrying a long broadsword as he led the army into the forest that flanked the northwest side of the kingdom.

Roman: A large beast has been reported to be heard from the forest.

Tirzah: A beast?

Axle Streak: Yes, and if the sound of its roar is anything to go off of, we're dealing with something BIG!

Tirzah: Anything you want me to do?

Axle Streak: Just to stay on the offensive until one of us gives you a direct order.

Tirzah nods, knowing this protocol designated just for her all too well. Once the beast was in their sights, commands were shouted for the soldiers to surround it and prepare to fire. Soon enough, the entire clearing was filled with the cetsil army with powerful guns pointing up at the large... pink beast? Upon hearing the shouts from the army it turned its head and its glowing pink tears halted as it held up its large, clawed hands in what appeared to be a "stopping" motion. Tirzah's jaw fell open, those tears, those horns and scales, she knew exactly what this creature was. Or rather... WHO he was.

Tirzah: WAIT! STOP!

She flew up and held up her hands in an attempt to stop the army from attacking.

Tirzah: Hold your fire! He means no harm!

Roman got upset at seeing his daughter put herself in danger like this.

Roman: Tirzah! What are you doing?! Get away from it!

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