Episode 6: Pieces of a Heart

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The large transport module conjured up several wires and cords and hovered inside of the ionic field until Peridot reached out and snagged them. She placed them into the tout bag she was carrying and looked back to face her friends with a smile.

Alex: Alright! Anything else you need? Or are we good?

Peridot: We're good, I think this will be enough.

Twilight: Perfect!

She levitates up a piece of paper with the words "list of things to do today on Gemma" and crosses off "Get last-minute supplies for Peridot's Rejuvenation Counter."

Niko: Well then, let's not keep everyone waiting.

They leave the "Gemma Hardware Distribution Center" and walk out onto the streets of the crystallite homeworld's capital city. Other crystallites were out and about doing daily, mundane things and waved at the group as they passed by. The group acknowledged them and waved back. It was nice to have everyone know who you were.

Timber Spruce: I must say, this place really has brightened up over the last few years.

Lapis: It's definitely an improvement...

A hover-mobile zipped past them on the road.

Alex: Say, Pearl... how was that concert the other day?

Pearl: Oh! It was nice. It wasn't anything too spectacular, but they were good.

Amethyst (Cocky): And how did everything go with Sarah?

Pearl (Blushing Slightly): Oh... it went well. I think I'm going to be the one to ask her out next time.

Toy Chica: That's great Pearl! I'm so glad that you're finally putting yourself out there.

They keep talking, and Peridot looks across the street and notices a group of crystallites pointing at her and the others. Her face falls and her eyes widen with recognition. They notice her staring and Peridot jolts. She turns back to the gang.

Peridot (Frantic): Hey guys, we should really start hurrying along! Can't keep everyone waiting for longer than they already have been!

Lapis: Huh?

She pushes her and Alex forward.

Peridot: C'mon! Let's go!

Racked with confusion, the group didn't protest and hurried along at Peridot's urging. She looked back to see that other group of crystallites walking down the sidewalk in the other direction. She frowned.


Indicolite directed a citrine into the chair inside of the Rejuvenation Counter and gave a thumbs-up to Peridot. She presses a button and the machine stirs to life. It scans the citrine in the chair and runs several calculations on the monitor in front of Peridot. After a few moments, it was all done and Indicolite directed the citrine out of the machine. Once out, Peridot looked over at her and smiled.

Peridot: Your rejuvenation count is 0! You're good to go!

The citrine smiles and Indicolite directs her away from the machine and over to the exit area of the testing grounds. The rest of the group was sitting a ways away from where everything was happening and just chilling with some more Team Aurora members who had come to Gemma with them that day.

Rainbow Dash: I can't believe you managed to get Kevin to apply for Harmonic U! I thought someone like him would just be a spoiled brat for his entire life!

Cole: I also completely forgot that "body-swapping" was one of your powers. I'm used to you just taking control of one of your watermelon Stevens on that island.

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