Episode 8: Earthen Ideals

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Tirzah bites into her crepe. She smiled as the flavor of the strawberries and buttercream filling danced on her tongue.

Frisk: How is it?

Tirzah looked up and nodded.

Tirzah: Mm, it's good.

Alex took another one of the donuts from the plate in the middle of the table and took a bite.

Alex: So, how are you liking Beach City so far?

Tirzah swallowed.

Tirzah: It's really nice. Everyone here is so friendly.

Steven: *Chuckles* Thanks. Good ol' seaside polite, thats what we call it.

Gregory leaned in close to Steven.

Gregory: No they don't. I've never once heard anyone around here say that.

Steven shushed him.

Steven (Loud Whisper): I'm trying to be hospitable!

Robin: If you think this place is great, then wait until you see Little Gemma tomorrow! Or "Little Homeworld..." Eh, either/or at this point.

Peridot: We'll also give you a tour of Little Homeschool! It's closed for summer break now, but I hope you'll still find it fascinating.

Tirzah had already eaten about a 3rd of her crepe.

Tirzah: That sounds amazing! I would love to see it!

Lars: Anything for the birthday girl.

The group finished up their confectionaries and Steven went up to the counter and gave Mr. Dewey a small stack of cash.

Steven: Hope this covers everything.

Mr. Dewey takes the money and starts to sort it into the cash register.

Mr. Dewey: I'm sure it will.

The group got up from the table and waved to Mr. Dewey.

Connie: Bye Mr. Dewey! Have a good night.

Mr. Dewey: You too. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday trip, your highness.

Tirzah smiled.

Tirzah: Thank you, I will!

And with that, they all left the Big Donut and began to go their separate ways.

Peridot: We're gonna come pick you up at around 10 tomorrow morning to take you to Little Homeworld. Hopefully the rest of the team can join us.

Tirzah: And if not, that's OK. Just being able to finally be here for my birthday trip is more then enough.

She nods in acknowledgement.

Peridot: Well, goodnight! See you all tomorrow!

The rest of the group bid their farewells and left for their own homes. Lars headed for his parents house, which he was staying at for the duration of the trip, and Connie began to make her way to her own home. Peridot got in her hover-mobile and began to drive back to Little Homeworld. Alex, Robin, Frisk, and Gregory all used their dimensional prisms to open portals back to their home dimensions. And Steven and Tirzah started to make their way to the gem temple.

Tirzah: For a regular coffee shop, they make really good crepes.

Steven: I'm glad you liked it. It's something new they recently started doing, and everyone else is enjoying it too.

Tirzah: Thanks for letting me crash at your place.

Steven: Of course.

They enter the house and take off their shoes. Tirzah goes and sits down on the couch which had sheets and blankets on it for when she slept. Steven paused as he was going up the stairs.

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