Episode 2: A Mother of a Pearl

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CW: Strong Language

Steven took a hard candy from the bowl on Dr. Gantor's desk and proceeded to unwrap it and pop it into his mouth. Dr. Gantor was writing down what Steven had just told him on his clipboard and Mr. Universe was looking around the room from where he was seated next to Steven. Dr. Gantor put down his pen and looked up at Steven.

Dr. Gantor: So even something minor like losing in your game is enough to set you off?

Steven (Quietly): Yeah... I know, it's dumb. It's just a game, I shouldn't be so emotional about it...

Dr. Gantor: At least you realize that it's a response to your trauma that's causing it. Most of my patients don't have that level of self-awareness.

Mr. Universe: Yeah, that's something to be proud of Steven.

He bit into the hard candy in his mouth, breaking it into pieces between his teeth.

Steven (In between bites): Thanks dad. But it's not JUST the game that-

Mr. Universe: I know, I was listening to the discussion. But still, I would never have been able to put two-and-two together like how you did.

Steven didn't respond, he just swallowed the mashed-up candy in his mouth.

Dr. Gantor: Now Steven, is there any particular reason you brought your dad here for your appointment today?

Steven: ..... Yes, actually.

Mr. Universe's eyes grew wide.

Steven: I... I wanted to talk about something that REALLY set me off a couple of weeks ago.

Mr. Universe: Oh no... I think I know where this is going...

Dr. Gantor: Would you like to step out of the room for a bit?

Mr. Universe: Oh, no. What I mean is that I'm pretty sure I know what incident he's referring to. And if he wants to tell you about it, then I think I need to be here.

Dr. Gantor nods.

Dr. Gantor: Go on, Steven.

Steven: OK... A couple of weeks ago, after I found out that I WAS traumatized and that it was the reason I was having all these mood swings, my dad decided to take me on a bit of a road trip. Soon enough, we came to his old childhood home where he told me that his dream of wanting to be a rockstar began right in that house. He also told me that his parents were very strict and always had a lock-and-key so-to-speak on everything he did growing up. And that made me so angry... because unlike me, he HAD a family who gave him boundaries and discipline when he needed it! I had no one to tell me what I could and couldn't do aside from gem-related stuff. And even THEN I didn't have many things stopping me!

Steven became all pink again and Mr. Universe got a little scared.

Mr. Universe: Hey, calm down Steven, we're just talking.

Steven's razor-sharp gaze then focused on his dad.

Steven: And YOU! You were supposed to GIVE me those boundaries, BUT NEVER DID! I had to learn the hard way about the consequences that came with everything I did on my own! Hell, you were barely even AROUND when I really needed you in my life!

Mr. Universe was stunned into silence and Dr. Gantor just looked at the two with wide eyes. Steven realized what he said and the pink glow retreated to where only his eyes were now that bright, vibrant hue.

Steven: Oh... I'm sorry dad... I went off again...

Mr. Universe took a moment to compose himself before talking to his son again.

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