Episode 4: Power-Scaling

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CW: Strong Language

It was June 30th and Steven and quite a few of the gang members were at Little Homeschool cleaning up and organizing the place, getting it all ready for the summer break. Of course, Jasper was there too, something that absolutely NO ONE was thrilled about. Especially after the rest of them were informed about what happened a couple of days ago. They were all giving her a wide berth, despite the fact that she was just lounging on a few stacked chairs and looking through her phone, not giving anyone a second glance. Several feet away, Amethyst and a few of the other members were talking to Steven, Pearl, and Alex about the recent discourse the two had and how it had been resolved.

Steven: Yeah, so I told Gantor, he was so happy to know that Pearl never hated me and that Alex took the initiative to help make it happen.

Pearl: I'm sure he was.

Amethyst: See? I told you that Pearl isn't one to hate so easily!

Kai: *Sigh* I'm just glad that whole thing is over now. And... you really ARE a great mom to him, Pearl.

Steven hugs Pearl.

Steven: And I wouldn't have it any other way.

She hugs him back.

Pearl: Neither would I.

The group looks at the two with bashful grins on their faces, but the wholesomeness broke when RD indignantly called out.

Rainbow Dash: Hey, wait a minute!

The group all turned to look at her.

Rainbow Dash: Pearl, you claim that you never wanted Steven to come to harm in any way. Yet I distinctly remember one time several years ago when you had a breakdown and ran off to that strawberry patch! I remember because I was there when it happened, and Alex and Steven went after you! And they told me that at one point, you left them HANGING by the roots of one of the floating rocks in the sky and didn't make ANY EFFORT to try and save them! That doesn't sound like protecting him from harm to me!

Steven, Alex, and Pearl blink in surprise.

Steven: Oh yeah... I remember that too. But... I think I ALSO remember that there was another platform below us that wasn't too far of a drop from where we were hanging.

Pearl smiled at how Steven was able to remember that too.

Pearl: Yes! That was the main reason why I didn't come down to save you guys. Because I knew that you wouldn't get hurt too badly if you were to fall from that height onto that other floating dirt patch.

Now it was RD's turn to look surprised.

Rainbow Dash (Surprised): Really?

Alex (Realization): Yeah! It WASN'T such a big drop from that patch. Maybe like... 5ft at most? The very worst that could've come out of us losing our grip would've just been a few scrapes.

Steven: And thankfully, we never DID fall down.

Alex: Yeah, so it's all good!

Rainbow Dash: Ah, OK then.

Pearl: Believe me, if there was even the slightest inkling of them getting hurt if they fell, then I would've DEFINITELY climbed down to pull them back up.

Connie: I keep forgetting that you have a strange way of handling things sometimes...

Steven: Speaking of which...

He turns to Jasper.

Steven: Hey Jasper! I want you to help Macy and Niko move those boxes over there!

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