Chapter 43

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" I don't need lessons so it's just him and he'll pay for just him" I said to the instructor.

" does he know that you can surf?" He chuckled as I shook my head.

" nope. " I laugh as I told him the plan.

The instructors name was Cameron and he is around three years older then Niall. So he was quiet funny and he's really fun to hang with.

" so you guys ready to learn how to surf" Cameron said and Niall and I nodded.

" okay let's get into the water to see how good you guys actually are so we can go from there yeah?" He said and we nodded.

We walked down to the water with our surfboards and got into the water.

" okay Niall first" Cameron said.

" really?" He whined and Cameron nodded.

Niall couldn't even get on the board. It was quiet funny actually. He just couldn't catch a wave.

After about twenty minutes of me laughing and Niall getting frustrated Cameron decided to see how much I know.

" good luck. It's really hard" Niall said and I nodded trying not to laugh.

" okay what can you do?" Cameron said and I got on my board and swum further out.

I sat up on my board waiting for a good wave. Finally one came so I started paddling as the wave came under me. At the perfect time I jumped up on my board and started riding the wave. I flew past Niall with his jaw dropped and Cameron smirking, all the way to shore. I jumped off the board with a splash as I came back up I grabbed the board and jumped back on and paddled back to Niall and Cameron.

" when the hell did you learn how to surf!!" Niall gasped.

" I used to surf all the time when I lived in LA" I chuckled.

" why didn't you tell me?" He said.

" I thought it might of been funny to show you myself" I chuckled.

" pfttt go away. I feel so useless now" he pouted.

" oh no Niall your not useless! I love you!" I said jumping into his arms and kissing his cheek.

" I love you too" he chuckled.

" come on love birds, I need to do my job! Niall on the board now" Cameron rolled his eyes laughing.

" okay" Niall said as he quickly kissed my lips and swum over to Cameron.


" hello?" I said answering my phone without looking at the caller ID.

" hello Darcy!" Lexi said over the phone.

" LEXI!" I squealed. " how are you?!"

" yeah I'm good. I really miss you and so do the others" she said.

" naw I miss you guys too!" I said.

" when are you coming home?" she groaned.

" not in a long time Lexi" I huffed.

" aw! So did you find out if you got into that college or not?" she asked me.

" no not yet, still waiting for the letter in the mail." I chuckle. " what about you?"

" well let's say little miss lexi is going to COLLEGE!" She started squeaking and I joined in.

" aw good job lexi. Your going to be a great teacher one day. " she's always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.

" thank you and yeah I hope"

" anyways sorry lexi but I have to go."

" aw have fun with Niall at the holiday house" I could hear her smithing.

" how'd you know?" I said confused.

" your famous love. It's all over those gossip channels. " she chuckled.

" yeah anyways really have to go bye lexi"

" goodbye darcy! I'll call you soon. " she said and I hung up.

" wanna start getting ready now?" Niall chuckled crossing his arms.

" yeah yeah sorry" I said rushing to my room.

" I know how to surf now" he grinned.

" that's great! Sorry I ditched halfway. I was hungry so I got an ice cream and then lexi rung so yeah" I chuckled.

" it's fine. Be down at the front door by six" he winked pecking me on the lips and leaving the bedroom.

It was four right now. I have two hours to make myself look good.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some popcorn and walked into the lounge room and put a episode of vampire diaries on.

After about twenty minutes I yelled, " your so hot stefan!" As I shoved popcorn in my mouth.

" excuse me!" Niall growled running down the stairs.

I laughed as he sat down next to me and put his arms around me.

" did you just call him hot?" Niall said pointing to stefan on the TV.

" yas! Com on look at him! " I said.

" ew no! I'm the only hot guy your supposed to look at" he said crossing his arms.

I laughed and shook my head.

" I love you Elena, forever and always" stefan said.

Holy flipping god he's hot!!!
His jawline is perfection!

" that's it! I'm turning it off!" Niall said getting up and turning it off.

" what come on why?!!" I said throwing my arms in the air.

" you were literally drawling!" He chuckled.

" ugh" I laugh cleaning the side of my mouth with my hand.

" come on let's go get ready" he yelled as he ran up the stairs.

I groaned. I was so going to hit him! Ugh why did he do that!

I walked to our bedroom as Niall rushed out with a handful of clothes.

" I'm getting ready in another room so you can have your privacy" he yelled as he walked into the room and closed the door.

I smiled and walked into our room and shut the door. I went over to my bag and got out a tight at the top but flowy white dress with a mid waist denim jacket that I brung for just in case we do go out.

I grabbed it and a lacy pair of undies with a lacy bra. I walked into the bathroom and had a shower.

After about twenty minutes I got out I put on my undies and bra on and a dressing gown and did my make up and hair. Ten minutes later my make up was just done natural with a bit more mascara and my hair was out with little curls at the end. I put my dress on and walked out of the bathroom and looked for a pair of shoes. I grabbed a pair of black ankle boots with a thick heel and put them on. I grabbed a little bag to put my phone and wallet in an walked downstairs.

Niall stood there in a short sleeve, white button up shirt and black jeans with black boots like mine.

He looked up and saw me, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

" wow you look so beautiful" he said as I walk over to him.

" thanks" I blush and look down. Niall grabbed his arm around my waist and opened the front door.

" let's go" he smiled as we left the house.

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