Meet The League

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Turning the cursed photo back towards him, the villain turned a mocking gaze before answering back through his sadistic grin. "I do actually, yeah. I mean I knew this little reunion with your dip shit brother was going to be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. I wonder what I'll get to see you in next? I can't wait."

Hikari felt her cheeks turn red in embarrassment at the very idea as her hands moved upwards in order to point a threatening finger towards the man in question. "I swear to god Dabi, you have five seconds to delete that photo right now.."

At the vague sentence, she then watched the villain turn his eyes upwards in order to wave the illuminated image in front of her face. "Mmmm I could...if you go to the league with me..."

Then it all started to make sense, why he kept the photo, why he was teasing her right now. It was all connected. That jerk. He was using this as an opportunity for blackmail.

Not showing her fear, Hikari only scoffed though. "Really, that's your play? That's all you got?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the man hummed in response, pushing the photo closer to her face in the process. "It's your choice, Princess."

Hikari knew better though. Yeah, his strategy was annoying but it was weak at best, and she certainly wasn't about to cave. No, he had to try harder to shake her.

Moving closer to the villain in question, she then leaned forward before replying all at once. "Here's my choice, fuck you."

Then Hikari turned on her heels in order to leave only for the man in question to chuckle only more, watching from the corner of her eye as he moved his hands upwards. "Damn, right now? Now that is a bold choice. But I mean alright, I'm game."

Widening her eyes in disbelief, she then watched as Dabi started to reach for the buckle of his pants only for her entire face to turn bright red in absolute embarrassment. What the hell was this man thinking?!

Hikari felt herself move without permission, racing up to the villain before shoving her hands onto his wrists in order to stop the movement entirely. "WHAA NO I didn't mean...AH! What are you doing?! Stop taking off your clothes! That's not what I meant!"

And yeah, the two had hooked up before, that wasn't a secret but that fact that he was messing with her to this extent brought a part of her out that she always locked away. And he knew it too, he knew that she would be frazzled by his little move.

Besides, their "relationship" ended a long time ago.

She was trying to move past all of that, and that included the physical touch aspect.

Dabi seemed to relish in her little flaw though, the man gazing at her tomato red face with a sly smile. "What's wrong, princess? Why are you so red? I thought you said you were over all of this?"

At that, Hikari hit her breaking point, the woman unlatched her hands before forcing them forward in order to take the phone from him by force. "I'm over you. Now come here so I can break your goddamn phone!"

Feeling all of her spare feathers sharpen in her pocket, she then watched as Dabi immediately took a step back before lifting the object upwards in order for his pointer finger to hover above the screen. "Huh, I wonder what would happen if I accidently hit send? I wonder how many people will see this picture. Let's find out, shall we??"

Hikari immediately felt her life flash before her eyes at that, picturing millions of villains seeing the absolute worst moment in her life as she felt her voice raise in sheer fear. "No!"

At that, Dabi raised an eye. "I'm sorry, did I hear something?"

Going through every curse word in her head, Hikari felt her entire body shake with rage as her eyes glued to the object in his hands. Damn it, his fingers were so close to that send button, any movement could trigger her social suicide in the villain world.

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant