Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

How could she?

She's so broken beyond our repair and it's fucking painful to see.

I decide to retreat out of the room and head down to the lounge area where Lorenzo and Freddie are waiting expectantly probably thinking I've been able to get through to her like usual.

But I don't have anything positive to say and I'm non the wiser to what the hell has sent her spiralling so much. "She's packing and I can't seem to get a logical sentence out of her"

"And where the hell does she think she's going?" Lorenzo asks.

I just shrug my shoulders. I can't even give him an answer because for all I know she's planning on going to the fucking moon, there's not a chance in hell that she's thinking straight.

Suddenly Lorenzo stands, storms out the room and up the stairs, clearly going in her direction. He's never the first choice in dealing with Alissandra when she's like this, he's doesn't exactly have the most gentle approach and is usually the last resort. He's quite literally the one that has to snap her out of it and I guess that's exactly what he's planning on doing right now.

Me and Freddie both sit awkwardly staring at each other for a moment knowing that this will either go one of two ways. Either she'll calm right down and we'll finally be able to talk to her or she will completely lose it and the likelihood is Lorenzo will get something thrown in his direction.

It isn't long before they're both descending the stairs and to my surprise she's not resisting but she's clearly struggling to keep up with his long strides.

"Sit" he grunts as he points at the chair and clicks his fingers.

"I'm not a dog" she snaps at him and her quick snipe back makes us all chuckle a little. It means she's coming back down to earth a little, at least now we might be able to get something coherent out of her.

Even Lorenzo smirks which is unexpected. What ever was said upstairs seemed to do the trick pretty well. "Please just sit down so we can talk" he pleads. She does exactly what he says without saying another word.

Her mouth opens and closes a few times before she finally says something "You want me to but I can't I can't do it" okay maybe she hasn't calmed down at all because she's still babbling.

"Hey!" He clicks his fingers in her face and makes her jump. "Full sentences Alissandra please for Christ sake we need you to fucking talk to us" she doesn't like that and scowls at him and I have to admit I don't like either.

It makes me uncomfortable to watch and I have to clench my fist into a ball to resit the urge to spark him right across the jaw. He's too brash and aggressive, it fucking does my head in. But for some reason she's responds to it with him.

"I'm sorry I can't do it I'm not ready" she mumbled in distress I can tell she really doesn't want to have this conversation right now.

"Can't do what?" Lorenzo asks clearly as confused as me.

"The punishments, that room" she mutters so quietly it's barely audible. I think the others are just as shocked as I am that she's even bringing this up "I know that's what you enjoy but I can't" and she goes to speak again but Lorenzo puts his hand up silencing her.

"Have we ever touched you in any way that you haven't wanted us to?" he replied through gritted teeth.

"No but- " before she can finish her sentence he's cutting her off

"So what now you think we're going to make you do something you don't want to do?" He asks through gritted teeth

"No of course I don't" she replies quickly

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