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"We have a child, Edward. We can't fight in your stupid battle." Rosalie crossed her arms. She was trying to keep her voice low and contained. Being away from her family for almost a month had shown her that she was tired of yelling and arguing. Unfortunately, she could only avoid the former.

Edward's face contorted into an expression of hurt. "It is not stupid, Rose. This is about Renesmee, my child. The child you wouldn't let me get rid of. This is all your fault. So you owe me."

Rosalie scoffed. Of course, Edward would blame this whole thing on her. As if she had even been there once the hybrid was created let alone once Irina saw the soft-of-immortal child. Then again she was partially responsible for Renesmee being alive. But that shouldn't have mattered, this wasn't her fight.

"I don't owe you a damn thing. You've dragged me and the rest of this family into enough trouble. After this war, I never want to see you again." Before someone could try to convince her that she was being rude or unfair, she went to her room.

The rest of the remaining Cullens were silent as they pondered what had happened. While Rosalie didn't raise her voice like she usually did, she still sounded genuine. Her voice was laced with exhaustion and venom. Rosalie was officially done with all of the bullshit she had been put through in the last few years at the hands of Edward. No one but Edward.

Carlisle was the first to decide to move the conversation forward. While the conversation had first started with Rosalie confronting Edward, it had the potential to progress.

Since everyone was already gathered in the room, it wouldn't have hurt to gauge how they felt. Luckily, their guests were out hunting and mentally preparing for the battle. Leaving the Cullens to themselves for a day or so.

Carlisle turned to Blythe who sat on the arm of the couch. Blythe had been silent during Rosalie and Edward's exchange, as had everyone else. Frankly, there had nothing to say. But surely Blythe had something to say? Carlisle hoped it would reflect the thoughts of Rosalie. After all, the Cullens needed everyone in the fight to be as passionate as possible.

After taking a deep breath to calm his concerns, he finally asked his question. "Blythe, how do you feel?"

Blythe's head snapped in his direction, almost as if she was surprised he asked her. She shrugged, unsure how she truly felt. She did understand where Rosalie was coming from. Blythe had been through a lot due to Edward and Bella's relationship. She desperately didn't want to blame them. After all she, too, had been in love with a vampire.

But her relationship hadn't done as much damage. Her relationship hadn't been the cause of Blythe meeting the Volturi or being separated from the love of her life. Her connection to Bella had led Victoria to her and ultimately kidnapped so that she could fight in a war against Bella. Now she would have to fight against a powerful army for Bella and Edward's child.

She wanted to be done with everything. She hated to feel this way, but it was true, she wanted to be away from her sister. But she couldn't say that without harming Bella and, by extension, herself. "I'm tired. This is a lot to process."

Bella rested her palm on Blythe's shoulder. Bella, oddly, felt deeply guilty for potentially ruining her older sister's happiness. "I'm very sorry."

Carlisle mustered up the courage to offer Blythe freedom. "You don't have to fight if you don't want to."

"And what? Run away like Alice and Jasper?" Blythe shook her head.

"Maybe they had the right idea." Palo raised his head from Emmett's shoulder to look at Blythe.

"Are you serious?" Edward seethed.

"Edward he has the right to state his feelings, just as you do," Carlisle said.

Edward clenched his fists. "I think he's a fucking coward! And so is Rosalie!"

Blythe stood up and crossed her arms. "My wife is anything but a coward. The only coward is you. How many times have you damaged other people in order to protect yourself? How many people are you willing to lead to death, just so you have a greater chance of surviving?"

Emmett was seething. He stepped up to Edward, ready to share all of his feelings. "If you cared about anyone other than yourself, things would be different. Rosalie would be glad to help. Alice and Jasper wouldn't have fucking fled. Maybe if you gave a damn about others, we wouldn't be standing here so exhausted with you and all your bullshit."

"Are you siding with them, instead of your own family?" Edward had never been crossed by Emmett before. He didn't know who to blame for Emmett's sudden anger. "Palo's not even your mate. He won't stay forever."

"I'm not choosing Palo over this family. I am choosing my family over you." Emmett corrected. "Don't get me wrong, I love fights. I am itching for one, but your attitude has ruined it. Calling Rosalie, a coward was a bitch move. You know that she is the strongest person in this family. If you ever disrespect her in front of me again, I will be sure to shove your head up your ass."

Carlisle stepped in between Edward and Emmett. "This conversation is no longer benefitting us. We should end it."

"No, this conversation is no longer benefitting Edward," Blythe said. "No one gives a damn about the rest of us."

"He's your first son after all. He's all that matters to you." Emmett took a few steps back before he ended up physically fighting anyone. "I think I owe it to myself to distance myself from you guys for a while."

"Will you fight with us?" Esme asked, shakily. It hurt her to see her family torn apart like this.

"Always," Emmett assured her. He turned to Blythe with a small smile on his face. "But I would like to stay with you and Rosalie in Alaska if that's alright with you?"

"Always." Blythe quickly rushed to hug her best friend. 

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