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Blythe closed the front door and watched silently as her girlfriend kicked off her heels. "Next time we go anywhere remind me not to invite the dorks," Rosalie complained as she massaged her temples.

Blythe laughed and leaned against the railings on the balcony. For some unknown reason, Rosalie had been obsessed with the sky for the past two days. So she had requested that they spend some time outside, after their long day.

It was Blythe's birthday, so the family decided to take her to a skating rink. Of course, Blythe loved it but the only problem was that Rosalie had seemed tense about something. Blythe wondered if it had something to do with the fact that they were supposed to go to Alaska in a few days.

Blythe feared that Rosalie actually wanted to stay in Forks and didn't know how to tell the new immortal the truth. Blythe didn't want Rosalie to resent her for convincing her to go someplace she didn't want to go. But Blythe didn't know how to bring it up without potentially offending Rosalie.

"Rose?" Blythe removed the jacket that she wore and hung it over the railing. Rosalie looked down from the sky and briefly looked at Blythe.

"Hmm?" Rosalie asked.

Blythe was slightly angered by the fact that her girlfriend couldn't spare her a few seconds of her attention. Blythe narrowed her eyes. "Rosalie, I'm talking to you."

Rosalie's head snapped to Blythe once she heard the hostile tone the brunette had. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm just concerned," Blythe said with a sigh. She didn't want to confide in Rosalie, just to be dismissed. She wanted the blonde to be completely open and honest.

"With?" Rosalie prompted. She turned her whole body toward Blythe, giving Blythe the attention she asked for. Rosalie noticed that something was plaguing Blythe's mind.

"You've been off all week. Ever since we've agreed on going to Alaska together." Blythe said. "Did you want to stay in Forks?"

Rosalie raised an eyebrow. "There's nothing for me in Forks if you and Kayli leave. I've already told you, Blythe. I'd follow you anywhere."

"Then what is your problem?" Blythe asked.

"I don't have a problem." It was quite the contrary. Rosalie looked back up to the sky, briefly searching it.

"What are you looking for? A comet? We have an issue down here." Blythe crossed her arms.

Rosalie looked back at her angry girlfriend. "Blythe, there is no issue. I am excited about going to Alaska with you."

"You haven't packed. You keep shouldering me off whenever I try to talk to you. And you invited the whole family on a date that was supposed to be just me and you." Blythe ranted.

The blonde was taken aback by the sudden rant. There were perfectly good explanations for each of those complaints. However, she couldn't give Blythe the full truth yet.

"I haven't packed because I already have a lot of things at the Denali's. I already have a room there." Rosalie shrugged nonchalantly. "And I haven't been shouldering you off, I'm just trying to spend as much time with everyone as I can before we leave."

"We can easily come back. Or they can visit." Blythe pointed out.

"Now is the perfect time!" Alice yelled out. Blythe looked inside the mansion where Alice was in. She looked back to Rosalie who just shrugged. "I'll join you in the shower, Sweet Pea!" Blythe grimaced as she realized that Alice was talking to Jasper.

Rosalie took Blythe's hands, relieved that she could come forward. "I don't plan on just staying in Alaska."

Blythe sighed. "Why couldn't you just say that? I'm not going-"

Rosalie interrupted. "I want to find a perfect little place for us. A place that we can settle down in and spend time as a family."

Blythe's confusion wasn't erased by Rosalie's statement. "Are you-"

"I want us to be a family. And I know that we're both dead so we can't produce biological children of our own. But that is perfectly okay because we already have one of our own. One that we both deeply care for and love." Rosalie smiled.

Blythe frowned. It seemed as though she couldn't get rid of the chokehold Renesmee had on her wife. "I hope you're not talking about Little Bella..." Blythe had refused to say Renesmee's name as she found it to be hideous. Instead, she called her Little Bella, since the child favored her mother.

Rosalie shook her head. "Upon spending time with Renesmee, I've learned that blood doesn't automatically make a child yours."

"I don't understand."

"Blythe, I love Kayli. I want us to adopt her and raise her as if she were our own child." Rosalie confessed.

"Oh," Blythe said neutrally. She didn't know how to feel about the confession, she just knew that she was surprised.

"That's not the only thing I want to do to unite us as a family." Rosalie smiled. "Blythe, I have loved you since the first time I saw you. I know you don't remember it because you were very high, but I talked to you and I carried you home in my arms. And I... knew that I would be bound to you for the rest of my life."

Blythe's eyes started to water, mirroring the blonde's. "I love you too."

"When we first met, I loved you because of the mating bond. But once I got to truly know you, I loved every part of you. I loved your determination, your attitude, your smile." Rosalie laughed once Blythe wiped a tear that fell from Rosalie's eye. "I loved the way you cared for your loved ones. And I knew that with you, my heart would be safe."

"I-" Blythe wanted to reciprocate the words of love she was receiving from Rosalie, but it wasn't her turn.

"We haven't been together for very long, but it seems as though we've loved each other for centuries. We've been together through our periods of secrecy, separation, and abduction. We have stuck together throughout all of our problems. We have stood together throughout all of the growing pains. And that is what's motivating to kneel." Rosalie released Blythe's hands and kneeled.

Blythe raised an eyebrow confused as to what was going on. "Stand up, you're wearing a dress."

"Shut up, don't ruin the moment," Emmett whispered to her. The whole family had joined them outside.

"Look up!" Alice pointed to the sky. Confused Blythe looked up. There was a loud boom, and then a fast explosion. The fireworks looked different than they had when she was human. They were prettier, like little balls of colored fire.

Blythe's eyes quickly read the words displayed about ten times before they disbanded. 'SAY YES' was spelled out but it didn't make any sense.

"Say yes to what?" Blythe looked down at her girlfriend. Rosalie was still on her knee but she held a black little box. "Rose."

Rosalie opened the box, showcasing a very beautiful diamond ring. "Blythe will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Blythe was dumbfounded, she always believed that she would be the one proposing to Rosalie. But despite her shock, an answer erupted from her. "Yes!" She smiled widely as Rosalie slipped the ring onto her finger. Rosalie stood up and Blythe nearly knocked her over with a hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." Rosalie cupped Blythe's face. Blythe leaned forward, kissing her fiancée. 

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