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Rosalie simply shrugged once she heard that Jacob had exposed himself to Charlie. "Jacob is a complete idiot."

Blythe laughed in agreement. She sat on the arm of the couch and pulled her fiancée into her arms. "I expected you to be more upset about this. The world of the supernatural was cracked wide open." Blythe said dramatically.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, not finding it in herself to care. "Please, I don't give a damn if that mutt became Charlie's personal puppy." Not to mention the fact that she was to be leaving soon, whatever the other Cullens did would no longer be her concern. She wanted to only focus on herself and the family she was building with Blythe and Kayli.

Jacob walked into the room, shirtless and disheveled as usual. "Nice to see you too, Ro-"

"Watch your tone." Blythe glared at him. Jacob looked to the floor and crossed his arms. Blythe could tell that he was calling her all sorts of names in his head, but she was fine with it as long as he didn't say it out loud.

Rosalie smiled and kissed her future wife's forehead. "Are you going to talk to Charlie?"

"Of course, I haven't spoken to him since I told him that we'd be going to Alaska." Blythe sighed. She didn't want to hurt her father any more than she already had. But she figured he'd want a heads-up instead of her just disappearing again. When she told him he sounded completely defeated.

Blythe heard something coming her way. As a reflex, Blythe held up her hand and miraculously caught the box of contacts. "You have to wear your contacts," Alice said.

Blythe rolled her red eyes, finding the idea of wearing contacts ridiculous. "Can't I just say that I'm wearing red contacts? It's believable and my eyes won't be irritated." At Bella's wedding, Blythe had to wear brown contacts. She was irritated the whole time and repetitively voiced her complaints to Alice.

"Wear the contacts." Alice rolled her eyes. The small pixie-like vampire left before Blythe complained anymore.

Rosalie kissed Blythe's cheek. "I think she's still mad at you."

Blythe laughed, in agreement. "She'll get over it." Alice was infuriated with Blythe for picking out an engagement ring for Rosalie without her help. Alice swore that she had the perfect ring in mind, but Blythe wanted to authentically pick out a ring for Rosalie.

"I don't understand why she's mad. I love the ring." Rosalie stared at her ring in complete and utter awe. Blythe smiled and pulled her mate into a nice and loving kiss. The two only broke apart because they heard a car coming from a mile away. Rosalie quickly helped ease the brown contacts into Blythe's eyes.

"Charlie's here! Everyone get into your positions!" Alice coached. Blythe stayed exactly where she was sitting. Rosalie moved to the side of the room so that she wouldn't be in the way.

Carlisle greeted Charlie at the door and then quickly let him in once Charlie asked to see Bella. Bella nervously looked at Blythe who gave her a reassuring smile. The first one to run into the room was the toddler.

"Mommy!" Kayli ran straight to Blythe, who was stunned by the toddler's choice of words.

Charlie followed behind the toddler. "You said that you and Rosalie planned on adopting her, so I coached her into thinking of you two as her moms."

"Thank you, Dad." Blythe smiled warmly. Charlie smiled back, happy to see that his daughter was starting to act like her old self again. Something still seemed different but he assumed it would always be like that due to the things she'd faced.

Bella peeked her head around Blythe to get a peek at Charlie. Edward was going to say something but Blythe spoke before he could. "Would you like to sit down?" Charlie sat down next to Bella, causing the newborn to move away in discomfort. But Bella adapted well and didn't try to kill Charlie.

"You don't turn into an animal too? Do you?" Charlie looked at Bella who shook her head. Then he turned to Blythe. "Do you?"

"I'd rather die." Maybe if Blythe was a human she could see the appeal of turning into a wolf. Hell, when she was human she thought that shifters were cool. But now as a vampire, she was biologically repulsed by the thought.

"Let's give them some privacy." Edward, Jacob, and Carlisle went upstairs.

Rosalie gently grabbed Kayli from Blythe's arms. "Come on Kayli, I bought some new shoes for you."

"Mama?" Kayli asked.

Rosalie smiled brightly, causing the toddler to smile and laugh as well. "I am your mama now." The two went upstairs, leaving Charlie and his daughters alone downstairs.

Charlie was the first to speak. "Jake said that this... this was necessary. What does that mean?"

Bella sighed. "I think it would be better if-"

"I want to know what happened to you. I think I deserve an explanation." Charlie insisted.

"You do. But we can't give it to you. If you really need one then I can't stay here." Bella said.

Charlie stood up and walked closer to the front door. For a second the vampires thought he was leaving, but he quickly turned around. "Not you too, Bella! No, no more going away. It's bad enough that your sister is disappearing again."

"Dad you're just going to have to trust that for whatever reason. I'm alright. Blythe and I are more than alright." Bella assured him.

"Can you live with that?" Blythe asked, gently.

Charlie scoffed. "Can I live with that? I don't know if I can live with that. Jacob can turn into a very big dog. And my daughters... you guys look like my daughters but you're different."

Bella stood up and cautiously walked to Charlie. "Can you just believe that we'll tell you anything that you need to know?"

"And I don't need to know this?" Charlie asked. Bella shook her head and hugged Charlie. "I can't lose you again."

"You won't. I promise." Bella said.

"I missed you, Bella." Charlie sighed. Feeling like she was intruding on a private moment, Blythe started to head upstairs. "Wait... can I..." Charlie pulled away from Bella and opened his arms to Blythe, who gladly hugged her father. "Don't get eaten by a polar bear."

Blythe laughed. "I won't." Blythe pulled away and went upstairs so that Edward and Bella could tell Charlie about Renesmee.

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