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Blythe rubbed her temples aggressively as she squeezed her eyes shut. Her mind was spinning with endless questions, but she decided to stick to asking only one. "How the fuck is that even possible?"

Rosalie shrugged passively. She didn't personally care to ask any questions, it made no difference in the outcome. "We... don't know, exactly. Carlisle does have a theory that Edward's demon sperms were still alive when he-"

"I don't need a full explanation. I can put two and two together." Blythe grimaced. "So she's going to die?"

"We don't know that," Rosalie said.

Blythe figured that a demon or hybrid fetus would surely kill the human it grew inside of. It didn't take research or Carlisle to figure that out. "That thing is going to rip her to shreds."

Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Let's not assume things about the baby."

"The baby?" Blythe narrowed her eyes and crossed her arm. "Is there something that you aren't telling me?"

"I promised Bella, that we would both protect her baby. Edward wants to get rid of it-" Rosalie said in a low tone. When she had made the deal she wasn't quite thinking about her girlfriend's reaction. But now she was afraid of it.

Blythe couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You offered up my service? You want me to protect something that could possibly kill my sister?"

"A cold could kill your sister." Rosalie shrugged. "This baby could be practically harmless for all we know."

Blythe scoffed. "You can't seriously believe that. You're only saying that because you are desperate for a child. And Isabella took advantage of that when she recruited you for her security detail."

Rosalie's ears only caught onto one part of Blythe's rant. "Desperate?"

"What are you planning to do when Isabella dies? Take the demon and flee to Denmark? Edward will hunt you and that thing to the ends of the Earth." Blythe said.

"Bella won't die. We will figure out a way to save her." Rosalie took a step towards Blythe.

Blythe held out her hand so that Rosalie wouldn't get any closer. "Do you even care about what could happen to Bella?"

"I do," Rosalie mumbled. "But she asked me to respect her choice and help her protect her baby. So I am doing just that. You should too."

Blythe didn't believe Rosalie for one second. "Since have you started respecting her choices?"

"Blythe, don't be like that." Rosalie's bottom lip quivered.

The argument ceased once their ears picked up on an opening door. Kayli stood with a stuffed animal in her arms. The toddler pouted and rubbed her stomach. "Mm... my tummy hurts." Kayli's stomach growled, alerting the two vampires that she needed to be fed.

"You're just hungry, Mama." Blythe held out her arms and Kayli went to her so the woman could pick her up.

"Are you mad at me?" Rosalie asked quietly.

Blythe shrugged. She didn't know how to take the news. She didn't even know if the issue was worth being mad at her mate for. "Give me some time."

"Blythe." Rosalie sighed once the new immortal chose to leave the room instead of giving her reassurance.

Blythe studied the sight before her. Kayli was laying on Rosalie's chest. Both of them had their eyes closed, however only one was sleeping. The other was incapable of sleep but imitated it whenever she laid with someone who was actually sleeping. Something that Blythe had actually liked about Rosalie. She always looked angelic, and in doing so it made it hard for Blythe to be angry with Rosalie.

Isabella's scent clouded Blythe's smell as she entered the room. "Can I talk to you in private?"

Blythe rolled her eyes but turned around and followed Isabella out of the room. "You're surrounded by vampires. If you wanted privacy you should have stayed on Island Esme."

Isabella ruffled her hair and sighed. "Look this is a decision that I am making. I would like it if you respected that."

"You don't like children." Blythe pointed out.

"That's not true. I like Kayli."

"You tolerate her because she's around. You took care of her because it was a way for you to help out me and Charlie. Especially because you have a track record of unintentionally hurting others so you like to help out when you can." Blythe corrected.

Isabella sighed once again. "I understand if you don't support my decision."

Blythe smiled sarcastically. "Good, then there is nothing to discuss." She turned around but Isabella grabbed her arm. Blythe let out a little snarl and Isabella took a step back.

"Support me. I need help."

"In your quest to collect every little piece of Edward that you can, you will ultimately tear yourself and others apart. It doesn't take a genius to know that you will die, possibly even before you birth that demon." Blythe said.

"He's going to be my son," Isabella whined.

"Let me guess, he will look exactly like a little Edward?" Blythe rolled her eyes, Isabella was proving her point. Isabella didn't want a baby, she wanted Edward. "Have you thought about what will happen if you have a girl that looks exactly like you? Or better yet a monster with ten eyes and eighteen arms?"

"I'd want my baby regardless." Isabella insisted.

Blythe shook her head. "I don't think you will. Honestly, I can't even see you or Edward as good parents. But... my mate has already promised you my help. And I would hate to make her look like a liar."

A wide smile spread across Isabella's face. "So you'll help me?"

"I'll aid you in your quest for death. Clearly, you crave it." Blythe mumbled, begrudgingly.

"Thank you-"

"Shut up." Blythe went back into her room, leaving the pregnant brunette alone in the hallway.

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