Red Eyes

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Blythe's eyes fluttered open. She was brought back to the four walls she was trapped in. Her fingers reached out to touch the wall. To make sure that she was in fact there.

The temperature of the wall was different than the temperature of her body. She couldn't quite tell if it was cooler or warmer. She concluded that it was colder after a few more seconds of having the tip of her finger pressed against the textured object.

Her eyes flickered over the prickly surface as she thought about what might have been on the other side of the wall. If she knocked on the wall would she receive a knock as a response?

She closed her eyes and turned to hear anything. Anything from anywhere. All she could hear was the loud rattle of the useless air conditioning. She was sure that if she was still breathing, every breath she let out would be visible.

But she wasn't breathing.

That realization had Blythe instinctively filling her lungs with air. Only it wasn't refreshing like she thought it would be. No, it was more of a comfort rather than a necessity.

As comforting as it could be to feel every dust particle bounce in her lungs as she inhaled. An exhale proved Blythe's theory correct. A tiny gust of carbon dioxide joined the rest of the air and dispersed slowly.

The mattress she laid on was very uncomfortable and lumpy. The sheet under her was slightly scratchy and irritating. Blythe wasn't one to worry about the thread count, but she would have to complain.

As soon as her capture came back.

If he came back.

If she could speak. Blythe hadn't heard her own voice in days. That was approximately the last time Red Eyes came to visit her. She was pretty sure he was the one who kidnapped her. Then again she couldn't remember much. She only knew that she didn't want to be here.

If she had, she wouldn't have been locked in this cold room. Was the room even cold? She could infer by the hints she got from other things, but she didn't feel cold.

She didn't feel anything.

Anything except for the burn.

The burn in the back of her throat that always hung in the back of her mind. The burn that she would do anything to get rid of. Blythe's hand wrapped around her neck. She let out a dry wheeze. The sound of her door creaking open took her attention from the burn. "Knock knock."

Blythe's head snapped up to the sound of muffled screams. "That's when you say 'come in'." Red Eyes came into the room. He dragged in a man that was tied up with a rope. A piece of tape covered his mouth. "I got you some takeout."

Blythe immediately backed into the corner of her bed. She pressed up against the wall hoping to make a dent.

Red Eyes sighed and closed the door behind him. "Just a bite, Blythe, that's all you need to feel better."

Blythe opened her mouth to speak but she had nothing to say. What could she have done? Cry? She already tried begging him to let her go. He just got angry at her and threw a lamp in her direction.

Red Eyes sighed and grabbed the tied-up man by his hair. "Look he's bleeding." Blythe's eyes drifted to the man's neck. Red Eyes was right, there was a slight scratch on his neck. A tiny droplet of blood dripped from it.

Blythe simply closed her eyes and tensed her body. The burn in her throat got stronger as her body begged for relief. The rapid beating of the man's heart filled her ears. It was a better song than any music she had ever heard. Well, as of lately.

"Okay, I get it. You're new to this. I'll help you, open your mouth." Blythe felt a rough pair of hands grab her face, trying to open her mouth forcefully.

"Get your hands off of me!" Blythe kicked and thrashed. "Stop!" She kicked Red Eyes in the face and he staggered back holding his jaw.

His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath."Sorry, sorry. I got carried away. You're making me angry."

"Go away!" Blythe gripped her headboard. It cracked easily, making Blythe even angrier.

"Aren't you thirsty?" Red Eyes asked desperately.

Blythe closed her eyes and focused on trying to calm down. She knew she didn't stand a chance against her capture. No matter what she was now. Even if she happened to get past him, she was sure there were more people out there waiting to take her down. She had heard a woman once when the air conditioner accidentally went out.

"Fine, I'll just add him to our collection." Red Eyes grumbled, bitterly. "Have fun being alone." He slammed the heavy metal door on his way out.

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