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Blythe walked into the kitchen with a wet rag in her hand. Blythe sighed once she saw her six-year-old daughter wiping sugar from the counter into the sink. "You've gotten sugar everywhere."

Kayli pointed to the measuring cup that she had used. "The cup fell out of my hands. Sorry, Mommy."

"It's okay, you just need to be more careful." Blythe moved Kayli to the side so that she could clean the mess.

"When is Mama coming home?" Kayli asked.

Blythe stopped moving. She broadened her hearing, so she could hear Rosalie pulling up in their driveway. "Perfect timing, she's here. Get Lillian from the playroom. Dinner should be ready."

Overjoyed, Kayli immediately ran to get her little sister. "Lily! Dinner's ready!"

Blythe quickly opened the oven and grabbed the perfectly cooked lasagna. Of course, it wasn't the most pleasant-smelling thing in the world, but she knew that her daughters would like it.

Blythe set the hot pan on the stove. Someone hugged her from behind and placed their head on her shoulder. She smiled knowing that it was her wife. "Something smells good."

Blythe scoffed. "Yeah right."

"I was talking about you." Rosalie flirted. Rosalie kissed Blythe on the cheek before moving so Blythe could make their children plates of food.

"How was your day?" Blythe asked.

Rosalie sighed, wishing her answer wasn't the same every day. Being the owner of her own car company didn't prove to be as exciting as when she first started. But she loved her job and wouldn't change it for anything. "Boring as usual. I was stuck in meetings all day."

Blythe was going to comment but the shriek of their youngest daughter cut her off. "Mama!" Lillian came running down the stairs, happy to greet her mother. Rosalie was prepared for the small girl to jump into her arms like she did every day.

Kayli followed her younger sister, calmer but just as happy to see her mother. "Mommy and I made cookies." She pointed to the batch of fresh odd-shaped cookies that sat in a clear bowl.

"They look delicious." Rosalie complimented.

The six-year-old frowned. "Mommy said we couldn't have any until tomorrow."

Rosalie turned to Blythe who rolled her eyes. "No sweets within an hour before bedtime, you know this."

"But they've been good girls." Rosalie stuck out her bottom lip. Lillian and Kayli mirrored her expression.

"Only one cookie, for now. Sit at the dinner table." Blythe handed each of the girls a cookie. They both mumbled 'thank you' before running away. Blythe turned to her wife. "They've got you wrapped around their tiny fingers."

"I can never say no." Rosalie shrugged, shamelessly. She loved her kids with all of her heart. She would give them anything they asked for, as long as it wouldn't harm them.

Blythe didn't even bother pretending to be mad at Rosalie. She knew that she would have caved too if the girls pestered her on their own. Though they never had to. They just asked Rosalie to change Blythe's mind. Rosalie was always able to.

Blythe placed some lasagna onto two plates. Since Blythe and Rosalie were vampires they didn't bother eating. At first, they tried in order to appear normal in front of Kayli, but it was torture. So instead they told Kayli that they ate once she went to bed.

"Did you get the invitation from Bella?" Blythe asked. Bella Swan decided to attend high school once she moved to New York, to carry on with Cullen's tradition of going to high school and holding up appearances.

"Even Emmett and Palo received it and they're on another continent." Rosalie grabbed both of the plates of food and walked to the dining room where the hungry children sat. Lillian was still eating her cookie, but Kayli was finished and brushing the crumbs off of her shirt.

Blythe took a seat at the other side of the table. "Are we going?" Blythe asked.

Rosalie set the plates down in front of Lillian and Kayli and kissed the top of their heads. "She didn't even attend your graduation."

"Edward wouldn't let her." Blythe reminded Rosalie. Blythe finished college early with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

Since it was her first graduation ever, Rosalie found it to be a big deal. All the Cullens were invited to celebrate, and all of them did. Except for Edward, Bella, and their offspring. Edward wasn't on speaking terms with Rosalie, Blythe, or Emmett since they left for Oregon. So naturally his wife and daughter couldn't come. Blythe wasn't offended but Rosalie was furious.

Rosalie sat in the empty chair next to Blythe. "I'm pretty sure I have work that day."

"Is it on a Friday?" Kayli asked.

"The graduation is on a Monday," Blythe told her.

Kayli tilted her head and turned to Rosalie. "Mama, you don't have work on Mondays."

Rosalie stayed silent. Blythe smiled brightly. "You are so right, Baby. And I'm sure you'd love to miss a day of school so that you could visit your aunts and uncles."

"I like Uncle Emmy and Uncle Palo. When are they coming back?" Kayli asked with a mouthful of lasagna.

Emmett and Palo were away on their three-month honeymoon. It was only supposed to last six weeks, but Emmett decided that he wanted to stay in France for a 'little' while longer.

"Next week," Rosalie said.

"Can we go on a trip?" Lillian asked.

"Where do you want to go?" Rosalie asked. The blonde child put her finger on her chin as she thought about it. Rosalie found it adorable as it reminded her of Carlisle Cullen. She did want to see her family again, even if she didn't like Edward. "How about we visit New York?"

"Yay!" Kayli and Lillian cheered.

"Thank you, Princess." Blythe kissed her wife on the cheek. Rosalie rolled her eyes but smiled. She loved her wife and her daughters, she'd do anything to make them happy. Just as they made her happy. Nothing could ever take that away from her. 


I wanted to say thank you to everyone who read this story. I loved writing this story with all of my heart and I'm glad that I chose to share it with the rest of you. 

It took me about two months to write No Longer Alone and Growing Pains, so I do plan on taking a small hiatus before publishing another story. I do have some more stories in mind, some of them will be fanfiction of Twilight and some will be original stories. Thank all of you for sticking with me throughout this journey. Especially the ones who were reading when this series was titled 'Mated to Rosalie Hale' 😭.

Thank you guys for everything.

- Viralspirals

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