It's a Girl

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Blythe ran as fast as she could. She even pushed Jacob out of her way so that she could catch Isabella before her head hit the ground. Luckily she made it on time before the human's head hit the ground. Everyone was shocked by the events that had just taken place. One minute Isabella was filling them in on the horrid names of the future child. The next her spine was broken as she tried to reach for a cup of blood.

All the vampires rushed the injured human to the nearest gurney they had. Everyone panicked as they argued about what to do. There were two main arguments taking place. Some wanted to make sure that Isabella was okay before trying to cut out the baby. The others, well Isabella and Rosalie, were more worried about the baby.

It was clear to everyone that no matter what action was taken someone was going to end up dead or hurt. Isabella was groaning and trying to hold in her whines of agony. But it was clear to see that she was in complete pain.

Blythe flinched once Edward stabbed Isabella with a syringe filled with morphine. She looked at her sister and grabbed Isabella's weak and frail hand. "Bella, you are going to be okay." Isabella stared at her sister unable to find the words to thank her for the reassurance.

Rosalie grabbed a scalpel, getting ready to slice open Isabella's stomach. But she was quickly stopped by Edward who wasn't keen on the idea of letting Rosalie operate on his wife. "We have to do it," Rosalie said.

"Let the morphine spread." Edward objected. Isabella would surely be in a great deal of pain if the drug didn't fully spread. It would have been a thousand times worse than what she had felt now.

They were running out of time. Blythe could feel the weakening grasp her sister had on reality. Arguing was only going to lead to both Isabella and the baby dying. Blythe interrupted the arguing between Rosalie and Edward. "We don't have time to argue. Someone needs to make a decision."

"He's dying." Rosalie's grasp on the scalpel tightened as she stared at Isabella's exposed and bruised stomach.

Isabella had heard Rosalie's words and felt a great deal of fear for her baby. "Get him out now!"

"Look at me, Bella," Jacob commanded. Isabella's eyes briefly flickered to Jacob before she looked back at her stomach. Isabella let out a blood-curdling scream as she was cut open by Rosalie.

"Squeeze my hand, you're okay." Blythe tried to bring her sister's attention away from what was happening.

"Rosalie don't!" Blythe's head snapped to Rosalie who was staring at the blood-covered scalpel. She could see the internal struggle that her mate was having. Before she could speak to Rosalie, in the corner of her eye Blythe could see Jacob preparing to attack.

Jacob lunged toward Rosalie but before he could land on her, Blythe grabbed Rosalie. Jacob landed on the ground with a loud hard thud. During the tussle, the scalpel was knocked out of Rosalie's hand and landed on the floor.

"Blythe get her out of here," Edward demanded.

Wordlessly, Blythe dragged Rosalie out of the room as the blonde vampire thrashed in her arms. Princess, calm down. You don't want it, you're just hungry. Blythe grabbed Rosalie's face and forced Rosalie to look at her.

I can't control myself. Rosalie's shuddered.

Yes, you can. Hold your breath and look at me. Blythe instructed. Rosalie stopped breathing and did as she was told. Blythe stared into her lover's horrified eyes.

I'm sorry. Rosalie was terrified of what she had done. She had completely lost control in the moment when she was needed most. Who knew what Edward and Jacob would do if she wasn't there to protect the baby?

Don't be. Blythe pulled Rosalie into her arms.

In the midst of the calm, the smell of blood still lingered. It tried to consume Blythe's thoughts but she buried her nose in Rosalie's neck. She stopped breathing and tried to remind herself that she could always drink from a blood bag later.

"It's a girl." Alice walked into the room, holding a bloody baby. Rosalie immediately pulled away from Blythe, relieved that the baby was alive. Blythe eyed the baby suspiciously, surprised to see that it looked like an actual baby. She took a step back as her mate grabbed the baby and cradled it in her arms.

"She's beautiful." Rosalie cooed. Blythe smiled, seeing that her mate was happy.

"Do you smell that?" Jasper came running into the room with a worried look on his face.

Blythe took a whiff of the air, smelling the putrid stench of werewolves. She snarled and walked outside with Alice, Jasper, and Edward. "We're outnumbered," Jasper said.

"I won't let them hurt my family," Edward said.

The wolves were the first to attack but the vampires didn't hesitate to rush towards them as well. Blythe ran into a wolf with brown fur. She didn't know who it was, and she didn't care. The wolf had easily knocked her onto her back, but she kneed it in the stomach.

It howled in pain, taking advantage of the wolf's distraction she pushed it off of her and into a tree. Blythe sprung to her feet and kicked the wolf in its side breaking a few ribs. The wolf howled and headbutted her, knocking her onto her back. Though surprised Blythe quickly staggered onto her feet and backed up.

"Stop this is over!" Jacob yelled. "If you kill her, you kill me!"

Blythe watched in confusion as Jacob phased and seemingly stopped the wolves from attacking. "Jacob imprinted," Edward told them.

"On Bella? Isn't it too late for that?" Blythe asked.

Edward glanced at her before shaking his head. "He didn't imprint on Bella." Blythe pondered on who he could have possibly imprinted on. "Whoever a wolf imprint's on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law."

Blythe watched as suddenly all of the wolves backed down and dispersed back into the dark forest. 

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