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The first thing Blythe noticed was the pile of limbs waiting to be thrown into the fire by a lady with raven black hair. She was being assisted by another one of the wolf creatures.

The second thing Blythe noticed, well heard, was the screams and grunts of Palo. While her first instinct was to look for Gabrielle, she decided to help Palo as he was being strangled by a buff man. Honestly, the man seemed as if they were playing rather than fighting.

Blythe jumped on the man's back and tried to bite his neck. However, she didn't get the chance to as she was pulled off by a blonde and skinny man. She was thrown onto the ground. But instead of relishing in her pain, Blythe jumped to her feet and punched the man who threw her.

He seemed to be shocked by the action. No, he was shocked by her. "Blythe?"

"Blythe!" Palo screamed. He was running from the man he had initially been fighting. Luckily for Palo, he was faster than the man chasing him.

Blythe didn't acknowledge the blonde man that spoke her name. Instead, she ran towards Palo. She passed him and tackled the brunette man, behind him. The man was shocked but he didn't even fight her.

"Holy shit! Rose, she's back!" The man exclaimed. Blythe frowned at the man's excitement rather than fear. She lifted up her arm, getting ready to punch him but she was tackled by a short pixie-like girl.

"You're back?" The girl seemed happy as well. Blythe was reminded of the fact that she knew the Cullens. Her sister or the girl standing behind Edward had a good relationship with the Cullens. Did that mean that she had liked them too?

"No Jasper don't kill him, he's with Blythe." The small girl turned to the blonde man who had attacked her. He was getting ready to rip off Palo's head.

Blythe snarled and pushed the girl off of her. She jumped to her feet, getting ready to attack Jasper. Jasper released Palo with an apologetic look on his face. "My apologies, Blythe. I didn't know."

"Rosalie, don't be afraid. It's really her." The small girl spoke quietly. Blythe's head snapped in her direction. Finding a blonde woman standing beside her. The blonde woman from her dreams.

"I know you," Blythe said with uncertainty. Rosalie walked up to Blythe, with a look of fear.

"Please be real." Rosalie slowly lifted her hand. Blythe grabbed her hand in fear of being hit. But after a second she realized that the blonde meant no harm. Blythe released her hand and the blonde placed it on Blythe's cheek.

The touch felt safe. The safest thing Blythe had ever felt since becoming a newborn vampire.

"I missed you," Rosalie said softly.

Blythe didn't know how to respond. She didn't remember the woman, so she couldn't have missed her. Yet she did. She missed the feeling of being safe, she missed feeling secure, she missed feeling loved. She missed Rosalie.

I missed you. Blythe realized that she hadn't spoken. She aimed to move her lips but Rosalie smiled as if she heard it. Blythe smiled back. A wide grin replaced the scowl that, lately, had always been on her face.

"So... are you going to introduce me to your friends, General?" Palo asked awkwardly.

Blythe looked back at Palo to realize that Gabrielle was missing. "Where's Bree?" She asked panicked.

"You told me not to fight." Gabrielle peeked from behind a tree. The Cullens were surprised to see the girl, they had totally missed her.

"I didn't think you'd listen to me. I'm so glad you listened." Blythe laughed once the young girl threw herself into Blythe's arms. She turned back to Palo. "I would love to introduce you to them but-"

"She doesn't know who we are." Edward came from out of the woods, carrying Bella. She was all bandaged up, but she still elicited a snarl from Palo and Gabrielle.

"Blythe," Gabrielle whispered.

"Don't breathe," Blythe instructed. She tightly held Gabrielle in her arms. Palo kept his eyes trained on Blythe, trying not to look at the human that tempted him.

"You don't remember me?" Rosalie asked Blythe.

Blythe wished that she could give Rosalie the answer she wanted. She wished she remembered Rosalie. It pained her to give an answer out loud so she just shook her head and avoided eye contact with the blonde.

"Memory loss is common in newborns. Maybe some time around us could restore it." Edward suggested. "Let's get Blythe and the wolves out of here before the Volturi arrive."

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