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Rosalie stood up and dusted herself off. She was pretty proud that she was able to last the longest against Jasper, aside from Alice. Alice actually defeated Jasper, but of course, he went easy on her. He wasted no time trying to put Rosalie in a chokehold.

Of course, he wasn't able to. But he still was able to get her in a position that she couldn't get out of, declaring him as the winner. She didn't stay long enough to hear any more critiques about her performance. She immediately speeded towards Emmett and the baby in his arms.

"It's your turn Em. Give me the baby." Rosalie held out her arms, half-expecting Emmett to hand over Kayli without protest.

Emmett pouted and shook his head. He didn't want to fight Jasper, he would rather have Kayli poke at his nose for minutes on end. "But Kayli and I were just getting along."

"Give me the baby. I don't even know why Bella let you hold her in the first place." Rosalie shot a glare at the silent brunette standing next to them.

"My back was starting to hurt." Bella looked down in shame. Rosalie rolled her eyes, she didn't even scold Bella.

A feminine-looking wolf with grey fur cautiously eased up to Rosalie and Kayli. The wolf's eyes were trained on the tiny human. Behind the wolf, followed Edward.

Rosalie snarled and took a few steps back. "Back away, mutt." The wolf paused and seemed to be upset by Rosalie's language.

"She looks just like her," Edward said randomly.

"What?" Rosalie raised an eyebrow.

"That's what Leah is thinking. She wants to see Kayli." Edward clarified. He was the only one who could translate for the wolves, so it was his duty to aid in communication between the wolves and vampires.

The wolf seemed to nod at Edward's translation. She continued to ease forward, being careful not to make any fast moves and start a fight.

"Stay away from her, I won't let you hurt her." Rosalie angeled her body so that Kayli was barely in Leah's line of sight. Leah growled in response.

"Rosalie, she won't hurt Kayli," Edward said.

"You don't know that." Rosalie took another step back.

"Doggy!" Kayli poked her head around Rosalie's shoulder. She pointed at Leah and wiggled in excitement. The child leaned forward in an attempt to touch the wolf.

"Don't touch those filthy creatures." Rosalie scolded Kayli in a soft voice. It was surprising for everyone to see. Rosalie turned to Edward with furrowed brows. "It's bad enough that we have to train with them. Now I have to let them play with my baby?"

"Kayli isn't yours." Edward rolled his eyes.

Rosalie's bottom lip quivered for a second before her anger took over. Of course, she knew that Kayli wasn't her own child. Edward wasn't saying anything that she didn't know, so there was no point in crying about it.

Kayli could've been her kid. She could take care of Kayli... she would just have to get rid of Charlie Swan. But Esme and Carlisle would never allow for that to happen.

"Her mother is gone and her sister is missing. I am the only one, other than Charlie Swan, that loves this baby like their own child." Rosalie snarled.

"Blythe is-"

Edward was interrupted by his blood singer. "Rosalie acts like Kayli's mother. And I'm sure... she wouldn't mind if Rosalie acted like this. She loved it when people treated Kayli like their own kid."

"Thank you." Rosalie looked at Bella in contentment. "I'm actually glad that Carlisle wouldn't let me and Jasper kill you." Rosalie referred to the time in which she and Jasper plotted to kill Bella after Edward saved her from getting crushed by the van.

"Thanks." Bella blushed.

"She's joking," Edward assured Leah who just rolled her eyes. Everyone knew that she wasn't particularly fond of Bella either.

Rosalie took a deep breath, instantly regretting it once the repugnant smell of wet dog smacked her in the face. She crinkled her nose and turned to Leah. "I will only allow you to touch Kayli if you stand on two legs."

"She can't do that. Alpha's orders. They must be wolves until the vampires are no longer a threat." Edward said.

"I want doggy!" Kayli started to wiggle in Rosalie's arms. She lightly but rapidly tapped Rosalie's shoulder to catch her attention.

"The child has decided," Edward said smugly. He loved it once he won arguments against Rosalie, even if he was arguing for someone else.

Rosalie frowned at the wolf. Leah stayed where she was, not bothering to advance forward.

"Leah wants to know if it's okay with you if she allows Kayli to pet her. She doesn't want to start a fight." Edward said. "Leah was Blythe's best friend." He added.

Rosalie sighed and nodded. "Don't try anything or else I won't hesitate to slaughter all of you dogs. Including you, Edward."

"She won't try anything," Edward concluded.

Rosalie bent down a little as Leah moved forward. Kayli ran her little hands along Leah's fur and shrieked in excitement. Despite the situation, Rosalie smiled at the baby's happiness. She would do anything for her. Just as she would've done anything for Blythe. 

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