Chapter 22

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The twins are 2 months old now and they are growing and thriving.
Being away from them even for a minute drives me crazy nevertheless I had to be here, Apollo has some evidence for me. The loud music is muffled the door to my office muting it slightly, someone opens it the noise becomes heightened. Apollo, Niko and Andre walk in.

"What is this evidence you have for me?" I asked.

"Afentikó I've been following Pontus Argyros for a month now, his behavior is suspicious always disappearing and meeting up with this mercenary, Sergei Orlov. Digging up info on him I found out he only takes jobs on hits. Whoever you want dead he is the man for it." Apollo said.

"Is he the one who's been stealing from me?"

"I'm a hundred percent positive it's him." He says, I trust Apollo, trust his gut so if he says Pontus has been stealing from me then he has.

"Niko, I want you to call Pontus and tell him I want to meet him. Have him come up here, I want you guys in the same room too in case he tries anything."

"Yes afentikó." He pulls out his phone and makes a call to him. I would do it however hearing his nasally voice right now will just piss me off.

Some time later Niko escorts Pontus into my office. Andre and Apollo are at my back.

"I'm not you're dog, you can't call me and expect me to run to you." He seats himself onto my sofa without being invited to.

"I'm afentikó here, not you." His face turns red from rage, he doesn't say anything.

"You know I've been experiencing some thieving these last couple months, someone has been targeting my warehouses. They stole my drugs and my weapons, putting my business in jeopardy. Something tells me it's you." He chokes on his spit, coughing. His eyes are frightened, probably not expecting to get caught.

"Andre bring him to the basement." Apollo and Andre drag his body across the room.

"You can't do this, I'm an Argyros. The families will have your head for this!" He screamed.

No, the families won't have my head because they'll never know. Like how no one knows I killed Timothy and Rosalie the only people who know are the four men who are like brothers to me.

 Like how no one knows I killed Timothy and Rosalie the only people who know are the four men who are like brothers to me

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Getting into the basement I see that Leander has him strapped down. Andre, Niko and Apollo are in the room awaiting my instructions.

"Leave us." I ordered and they immediately leave.

"Why have you been stealing from me?" Pontus refuses to answer. Punching him in the face my ring cuts his cheek.

"Tell me." I demanded. He spits his blood onto the floor and laughs this evil laugh.

"Oh Basil, why did you think I did it? I want what you have." He grins, blood stains his teeth.

"I'm the rightful heir to the Greek mafia, it was my family first that had the title."

"What about your sons?" I asked, even though Timothy's dead he still has Jason.

"You think I care about them, they wouldn't know what to do with an empire like this. I also know you killed Timothy, took care of him for me. I had planned to have Sergei Orlov take care of him but you did it for me." There's something diabolical about him, his eyes, his evil smile it's like staring at the devil.

"I had it all planned out too, I was going to give the order tomorrow for Sergei Orlov to kill every single member of your family including the two little ones." This fucker, I plummet his body with punches not caring if I kill him. I force myself to stop, his eyes are swollen shut, his face is unrecognizable.

"I hoped with them gone you'd be weak in your position, giving me a chance to overthrow you." He groans.

"That's why I had your brother and sister killed eight years ago. I was hoping with them gone you'd be mourning in grief but all it did was make you stronger. There was no way for me to swoop in and take your seat. Oh, what were their names again? I remember, Atlas and Calliope." My body freezes from shock.

"I can tell you never knew from your reaction." His words erupts something inside me, it unleashes a beast hell bent on destruction, to avenge his family. I go to the side table and take a knife.

"You talk too much." I slice his tongue off, the blood spurts, coating his clothes. Grabbing the heated iron poker I cauterize his wound to stop the bleeding, I want this to last as long as possible.

"What else should I take from you?" I asked, his eyes are wide open now, finally realizing his fate.

"I think I'll take your fingers, for thinking you can have what's mine." Getting the cutters I slice each digit, hearing the bone crunch as I make the cut. He thrashes and moans, his hands are now bare from fingers.

"Next I'll take your eyes then I'll take your shriveled cock and stuff it down your throat but you won't be dead yet. I'm going to set your body on fire so that your final moments will be agony." He thrashes against his restraints harder, wanting to break free.

Awhile later I study Pontus' burnt body, the smell of charred flesh permeating the air. As I said I delivered on my promise. His eyes are gone, his tongue is gone, his fingers are gone and his mouth is gaped open with a worm shaped appendage in it. What I learned today I will take to my grave, there's no need to reopen wounds and have my family go through grief all over again.

"Leander!" I yelled.

"Yes afentikó." He comes rushing in.

"Take care of his body." He looks to the chair.

"Fuck, I hardly recognize him." He drags his body away. Andre, Niko and Apollo walk in and observe the damage I'd done to his body.

"I don't think I ever want to piss you off afentikó." Andre said and they all nod their heads in agreement.

"Now what?" Apollo asked.

"Now I go home to my family."

Our Beautiful Beginning On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara