Chapter 4

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As I'm sitting on the plane on our way to Greece all I can think about is, what the fuck just happened? There were people shooting at us, why? Looking at Basil I can't help but wonder what type of business is he in. Is it legal? Illegal?

"Don't think too hard feggari mou."

"Tell me, who are you?" He exhales and runs his hand through his curls.

"Are you a gangster? A drug dealer?" He laughs, his eyes crinkling on the edges.

"Think worse, I'm in the mafia. The don of the Greek mafia to be precise." I audibly gasped, how can I get involved with someone so dangerous.

"What about my parents? Mackenzie? Are they safe?"

"Don't worry they're safe, as for you though I'm not so sure. My enemies found out that you are my weakness. You won't be safe until we touch land in Nisyros."

"Why did you come back for me? Why would you involve me in your life knowing how dangerous it is?" I asked him. He leans over until a foot separates us.

"When my cock came in your pussy it sealed your fate to mine, when my seed took root in your womb it sealed your life to mine. When you came screaming my name I knew you were mine. That baby in your belly is what ties us together and I'm glad for it, I would've came for you sooner rather than later." When he finishes talking I know my cheeks are red from embarrassment. I look around to see if any of his men heard him and Andre wiggles his brows at me.

"Jesus, you're crazy."

"No not crazy, I'm a man obsessed and possessed with the need to make sure his woman is safe, his family." He gets up from his seat and sits next to me, placing his hand on my lower belly. I place my hand on top of his.

"Your family." I whispered.

"Yes, mine. You carry my last name, soon we'll have a little one to carry it too." He smiles at me, his dimple pops out of his right cheek. I never realized he had a dimple, this is all surreal.

"Now rest, we'll be landing in a few hours."

We're in front of his house, his men brings my stuff inside

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We're in front of his house, his men brings my stuff inside.

"Are you sure it's safe here?" I asked.

"Only an idiot would be stupid enough to step foot onto my territory knowing it's going to start a war."

I look around the island, admiring the trees and the smell of the ocean. Once we're inside I assume he's showing me to my room but he opens his room and sets my suitcase by the bed.

"Is this my room now?" I arch a brow at him, he turns and smirks at me.

"This is actually our room, you will be sleeping with me, next to me on the bed."

"What?!" I yelled in outrage.

"You signed the contract, if you read it you would've read that we sleep in the same room on the same bed right next to each other." I groaned in annoyance, he won once again. I'm a knocked up 19 year old married to her 39 year old baby daddy, life cannot get any more interesting than this.

"Tomorrow we're going to a doctor to check up on you and the baby." He informed me.

"Thanks, I had an appointment scheduled next week, but I guess I'll have to cancel now."

"Whatever you need or want tell me and I'll get it for you." His eyes are soft while he says this.

"While I was gone I had the room next door cleared out to be the nursery, so far there's only a crib and some decorations. Once we find out the gender you can decide what color you want to paint the room and I'll get it done." I hug him, he wraps his arms around me and clutches me in his embrace, thankful for his thoughtfulness.

"Thank you." I choked out.

"Anything for you feggari mou." He kisses the top of my head.

"Basil!!" Someone screams.

We walk down hand in hand, a thin woman with dark hair in her mid 20's greet us. She instantly pulls Basil from me and gives him a hug. The green eyed monster is desperate to claw out of me. Is this an ex? I study her and can't help but compare myself to her, she's taller and thinner everything I wished I could be.

"Layla this is my sister Thalia, Thalia this is Layla my wife." He pulls me to his side, I calm down when I find out she's his sister and not an ex.

"Ohhh, a wife? When did you get married?"

"Today." He said seriously.

"Wow, that's fast, may I ask why?"

"I'm pregnant." I blurt out.

"Oh my god! I'm going to be an aunt?" She hugs me and jumps up and down, screaming in joy.

"That's enough, I would've married her pregnant or not. Her being pregnant made it happen sooner." Basil pulls me from his sister.

"Does Bampás or mamá know?" She asked.

"No they don't, don't tell Helios either, he has a big mouth." I stare at him, seeing the question in my eyes he answered.

"Helios is my younger brother, it's me, Helios, Perseus than Thalia. Helios is 35, Perseus is 30 and Thalia is 23 she was the surprise baby, born when I was 16. Mamá had her when she was 38." Jesus, imagine having 3 older brothers and she's the youngest too, I feel bad for her if she ever starts dating.

"You have a big family." I said.

"We have a big family." He corrected.

"Anyways I'm here to remind you about the gathering of the families next week, Bampás says you have to be there. It would be a good opportunity to introduce your new wife too." Thalia said.

"I'll think about it." He grits out.

"I'll catch you guys later." She waves goodbye and leaves out the front door.

"What's this gathering thing?"

"The gathering of the families is this big fancy party that the four major families of Greece participate in. Since I'm the leader, the one in control of all of Greece I will have to be there. The Siatas, the Argyros, and the Galanis will all be there. Before my great grandfather came into power the Argyros were in control until he overthrew them. It was a time of war, there were many casualties and deaths of innocents until my great grandfather killed Ares Argyros."

"Interesting, so now you're in control? You're the don the leader of the Greek mafia?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm the don now, as was my father, his father and his father before. Now our son will be next in line to rule." He rubs my belly, shit! I didn't think of that.

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