Chapter 8

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Water splashes onto my face waking me from my nightmare.

"We'll isn't it Basil's whore." A man said.

"Who are you?" The man is tall and thin, he would've been handsome if he didn't have this look of crazy in his eyes.

"I'm Timothy Argyros, Jason's brother." I just woke up from a nightmare into another. I look around taking in my surroundings, I'm in a basement with no windows so I don't know what time of day it is. I'm tied to a chair with my hands tied behind my back.

"What do you want with me?" I spit out.

"Tsk, tsk, is that anyway to talk to your new master? You see, when Basil shot my brother it ruined any chance of him walking again. I originally planned on kidnapping his sister, but taking his wife is so much better. Taking you puts him in a weak position, giving me the opportunity to take back what was rightfully mine, being don of the Greek mafia." He has this crazed look in his gaze, he's deranged, out of his fucking mind.

"What are you planning on doing to me?" He walks around me in a circle eyeing me up and down.

"I think I might have some fun with you." He cackled maniacally.

"Fuck You." I spit at him, the wet glob landing on his eye. He backhands me, sending my head flying back.

"Now look what you made me do." I glare at him with hatred while he pulls a tissue from his pocket and wipes his eye.

"Sedate her." He ordered someone, I feel a pinch in my neck and I'm out like a light.

Waking up I find myself chained to the wall, one end connecting to my ankle the other to the brick wall. I'm laying on a plain mattress that smells musty. A tray of food sits in front of me, a bottle of water, a loaf of bread some carrots and thin slices of chicken.
I force myself to finish the food not knowing when my next meal will be, eating for three now I have to think of my babies.

"Hey!, I have to use the bathroom."

The door unlocks the bolt sliding back, a bucket is tossed in with a roll of toilet paper in it. What the hell? They expect me to use the bathroom in this.
There's no way to escape this place, with no windows and only one way in and out it's useless to try. I hope that Basil finds me soon, that he takes me out of this hell hole.

 I hope that Basil finds me soon, that he takes me out of this hell hole

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I don't know how much time passes, it could be a week, 2 weeks. There's no way for me to tell time down here. I get fed three times a day always the same thing, water, bread, chicken and carrots.
Timothy hasn't visited me since the first day I came which is good. I don't know what he has planned for me.
The bolt slides on the door, speak of the devil and he shall appear. Timothy saunters in, grinning like the maniac he is.

"Aren't you sad that Basil hasn't found you yet?" He taunted.

"He will come for me." My voice is strong.

"I think it's time for our games to begin." Dread fills me, fear for me and my babies overtake my mind.

He comes up to me and tears my clothes off. I kick at him and scream but he doesn't stop until I'm laying before him naked.

"There that's more like it, you're lucky that I like my women willing." He goes out the door and comes back in with a whip.

"No, no please don't. I'm pregnant." I scramble to the corner wishing that my pregnancy would stop him but it doesn't.

"You think that will stop me? Now turn and give me your back." He ordered. I shake my head, tears streaking down my cheeks.

"Please." I begged.

"Now!" I turn to give him my back, I hear the whip slash through the air before it hits my back, screaming from the pain. It hurts, the pain burning and unbearable.

"Count for me whore."

"One." I whispered. The whip strikes my back a second time.

"Two." I whimpered. Biting my lip, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out in pain.

He whipped me a total of ten times. My back is raw and bleeding. I can feel my blood soaking the bed. I'm sure my skin is frayed, every time I move the pain is indescribable.

"There, now your body is a work of art, done by me. I'll have someone come by later to clean your wounds. I wouldn't want you dying on me before I had my fill of you." He said proudly. He leaves, bolting the door after him.

I sob on the bed, tears and blood mixing together. Is this my fate now? To be tortured by a madman. Not knowing if Basil will save me in time?

"Basil, please come soon, I don't think I can survive anymore of this." I whispered weakly. I feel myself drifting away in sleep.

When I wake up I feel my back patched up and less painful. Someone must've came in while I fell asleep. I see a tray of food, something different now. A water, garlic bread, spaghetti and a cinnamon roll. The sight of something different to eat makes me happy, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Being in this predicament has made me appreciate the little things in life.

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