Chapter 18

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I'm at club Sweet Ecstasy taking care of business before I head back home. The door to my office swings open revealing a frantic Andre.

"Afentikó, one of our warehouses has been hit." He's out of breath like he ran.

"Skatá!, did they take anything?" Fuck, it's the second time this month one of our warehouses containing drugs, guns and counterfeit goods have been hit. The first time they took all our guns.

"They took all the drugs." I pound my fist on the table, seething with fury. Selling our goods to other mafia's is our biggest moneymaker, having these legitimate businesses on the side like my nightclubs help everything look good on paper. So that the government wouldn't get suspicious of where all this money is coming from.The nightclubs still make a pretty penny but not as much as the illegal stuff.

"Any of our men dead?" His deep sigh is an answer.

"Pablo and Ferdinand." Good men lost and from what. Whoever is doing this is attacking us when no one is watching. By the time any of us make it there they disappear, working fast. I always have 15 men guarding each warehouse but it seems like I'll have to up that number. I've questioned my men on how they look like but their answers are always the same. They're wearing Kevlar, Black clothes, black masks and they seem to show up in five black vans with no plates on them.

"Give each of their families one million as compensation." Their mothers knew what their son's signed up for working for me, the money wouldn't bring them back from the dead but it's something to tide them over.

"Already done, afentikó."

"I want thirty men guarding each warehouse now and install cameras on each corner." I ordered, I never had a reason to have cameras at my warehouses believing no one would be stupid enough to steal from me but I guess times are changing.

"I'll get started on it." He says then exits the office.

I will find whoever is doing this, they've killed six of my men so far. In the meantime I'm going to go home to my wife, there's nothing else I can do here.

Arriving home Layla waddles out the house beaming. Being 32 weeks has made her breathtakingly beautiful, she gets more stunning every day.

"Basil!, I've missed you." She jumps into my arms and attempts to wraps her legs around my waist. I hoist her up, my hands are on her lush ass holding her. Going inside the house I kick the door closed. Kissing her lips passionately she starts grinding against me. Breaking away I softly settle her on her feet.

"We can't baby, you're about ready to pop." She glares at me pouting. Giving me her fiery eyes.

"Fine." She grumbled.

"Have you ate?"

"Yeah, Mariah made me moussaka with karidopita for dessert, it was really good." Licking her lips she rubs her belly.

"And how are our babies?" Placing my palm on her stomach, strong kicks strike my hand.

"Active, they're pushed up against my bladder so I have to use the bathroom every thirty minutes." She whined.

"Ta morá mou (my babies), be nice to mamá. She's been taking care of you guys, take it easy on her." I talk to her belly, a powerful kick hits my palm. My cheeks hurt from how hard I'm smiling.

"See, they said ok." I jokingly said.

"Before I forget we have to be at Bampás' house tomorrow. Thalia and Dante are back from their honeymoon, and they all want us there."

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