Chapter 19

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Being 34 weeks pregnant has my back hurting like a bitch. After giving birth I'm going to put my back under commission because this shit hurts.
Basil's at his club right now handling business or whatever mobsters do while I stay home and laze around. Talk about boring, I'm going to see if I could apply for online classes after the twins are born.
All of a sudden a smell from the kitchen makes my stomach clench in hunger, Mariah must be cooking.
Waddling to the kitchen I see Mariah pull out some type of dish from the oven, smells like a roast of some kind.

"Mariah, Ti mageirévete?" (What are you cooking?) I know I butchered the pronunciation but she just smiles kindly. I've learned a little Greek the last couple weeks. Basil's a good teacher he's been teaching me the basics, enough to get me by.

"Ftiáchno kléftiko." (I'm making kleftiko.)

"Ohhh, myrízei oraía." (Smells good.) It smells heavenly, it looks like some type of meat cooked with potatoes and vegetables in parchment paper.

"To mageirévo gia ta genéthlia tou Basil." (I'm cooking for Basil's birthday.)  She says, I can't really make out what she says but one word. Genéthlia? Birthday? It's Basil's birthday today? Oh my god! I didn't get him anything.

"Basil genéthlia?" I asked to clarify.

"Naí." (Yes) she nods her head up and down. How can I not now my own husband's birthday. I'm pretty sure he knows mine. I quickly realized that our birthdays are about 3 weeks apart. His birthday's April 28th while mine is May 22nd. I have to make him something, I know I'm not able to go to the store and buy him a gift, just walking on my feet for five minutes gets me exhausted with all this weight I'm carrying in the front.
I'll make him a key lime pie, one of Florida's delicacies, I check to make sure we have all the ingredients and we do.

About an hour later the pie is done, setting it in the fridge I wait for Basil to get home.
I stand impatiently in front of the door, waiting.
As soon as the knob turns I scream as loud as I can.

"HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!" He jumps from fright.

"Feggari mou, how'd you know?" He asked, I look down sheepishly, too embarrassed to tell him that Mariah told me.

"Mariah told me, I'm sorry I didn't know, I would've gotten you something sooner."

"Everything I want or need is right here." He says while looking at me softly, bringing tears to my eyes with his words.

"Mariah made something for you. You're birthday dinner."

"She's made kleftiko then. She make's it every year for my birthday." He replied.

"What is kleftiko anyway?"

"It's a boneless lamb leg that's been marinated and slow cooked with potatoes and vegetables, after its done blocks of feta cheese is added on top." My mouth waters at his description.

"Come, let's go eat." I drag him to the kitchen while he chuckles.

Setting our plates I watch as Basil slices then places red tender meat on our plates followed by some potatoes and vegetables. Thanking him I instantly grab my plate and sit at the dining table. Scarfing my food down he studies me with a smile full of affection. He continues to eat, asking me questions here and there about my day with the same look while I get started on my second serving.

Finishing up our meal I place our dishes in the sink, planning to clean them later.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Going to the fridge I take out the pie and cut two gigantic slices. I set his slice across from him and take a seat with mine.

"What is this?" He examines the pie curiously.

"It's a key lime pie, one of Florida's delicacies." I tell him proudly. He scoops a piece up with his fork and chews, his eyes open with wonder.

"This is really good." He says scooping up another piece, moaning as soon as the flavors burst across his tongue. He finishes the slice immediately while I still have half of mine left.

"You want another slice?" I asked.

"Yes, please. This has to be one of my favorite pies. The tartness of the lime, the sweetness from the cream and the crumble of the crust as it lands on your tongue, perfect." Giggling, I grab him another huge slice. He finishes that one fast too.

"I'm extremely full." He says, patting his stomach.

"I hope you loved the pie. Since I couldn't get you anything I thought why not make something from home."

"It tasted amazing feggari mou, from now on I insist on key lime pies as dessert for every dinner." I cuddle close to him on the couch. His arm tossed behind my back and the other caresses my belly in circles.

 His arm tossed behind my back and the other caresses my belly in circles

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Being at club Sweet Ecstasy I review the videos Andre brought me. There was another attempt last night while I was home with Layla during my birthday dinner. They tried to steal from me again, targeting a warehouse that has only weapons inside of it, it's a good thing I had thirty men posted because they left without a single thing. In the videos it's the same description my men gave me last time, Kevlar on top of black clothes and masks. With the same five black vans. The door to my office slips open.

"Afentikó, do you think it's time to call the aide of our allies?" Niko asked.

"No, we won't call for them until it's absolutely necessary." I said.

"Who do you think it could be? It could be someone from one of the families." What he says could be true. This person stealing from me could be someone closer to home than I thought.

"Have Apollo investigate the families, see if he can find anything on somebody." I told him. Apollo is good at digging up buried information as well as following people without being seen.

"On it, afentikó." He quickly exits the room. Now that I'm finally alone I go to the mini fridge I have in the corner of my office and take out the container of key lime pie Layla packed for me. There was half the pie left so I told her to just pack the whole thing, sitting at my desk I brandish a fork from my drawer. Digging in I moan at the flavors, fuck this is good. Quite possibly the best dessert I've ever had. I finish the thing in two minutes, I almost wished I ate it slowly and savored it but it was too good.

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