Chapter 3

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                              2 Months Later


"Sygnómi! sygnómi!" (Sorry, sorry) The man yelled as I deliver punch after punch to his face. He was caught stealing from me, some of my products. I knew it was bad to think a drug addict wouldn't use the stuff they're selling, my drugs.

"Nomízeis óti boreís na me klépseis kai na min yposteís tis synépeies?" (You think you can steal from me and not suffer the consequences?) Andre comes into the torture room.

"Afentikó, it's Apollo." He hands me the phone, I grab a towel and wipe the blood from my hands.

"Leander, cut his hands off. Dispose his body in the ocean, let the sharks take care of him" Leander is my executioner, he's good at his job. Torturing enemies and getting rid of the evidence.

"Gladly afentikó." He has a wicked smile on his face as he approaches the thief, the thief knowing his fate screams Bloody Mary.

Exiting the room I put the phone to my ear.


"Afentikó, I thought you should know that Layla just came out of a pharmacy with a pregnancy test."

"Ti? (what?), has she taken it yet?." I asked, Fuck, she could be pregnant with my baby right now and she's on the other side of the world. My enemies could get wind of her. There hasn't been a day that's gone by where she hasn't been on my mind. Now I believe it's time for me to make my move.

"Not yet."

"Keep watching her, find out if the test comes out negative or positive. Do anything to find the answer." I demanded.

"Yes afentikó."

I exit the warehouse, where we operate our business. There are shipping containers of drugs, weapons and counterfeit goods. I refuse to deal in human trafficking, I stopped that when I came into power. Andre follows behind me.

"What will you do about Layla?"

"I'm going to Florida and getting my woman. I'll bring her back kicking and screaming if I must." I smile when I think about her, just like her hair she has a fiery temper.

Later that day I get a call.

"Speak." I commanded.

"Afentikó, it took me awhile but she finally threw her trash out. I had to dig through trash to retrieve the test."

"And what does it say?" Impatience can be heard in my tone.

"It says she's pregnant." What he says stops my beating heart for a second. The vision of Layla round with my child fills my mind, bringing me a sense of peace I never felt before.

"Thank you, keep watch of her I'll be there by tomorrow."

"Yes afentikó." I hang up, I need to bring the ring and marriage contract I had drawn up two months ago. The ring I chose is a cypress diamond set in a platinum band, I know she'll look gorgeous with this ring on her finger.

"Andre!" I called out.

"Have my private jet readied, we're going to Florida."


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