Chapter 15

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I'm supposed to be getting my stitches out today but I'm not going all the way to the hospital just to have a nurse take them out when I can do it myself. I actually called Andre because no matter how many times I've tried to take these stubborn shits out they won't come out. I'm relieved that Layla's not home, she wouldn't approve of what I'm doing. She's out with Thalia and mamá shopping for the babies.

"Oww." I winced, Andre pulls on a stitch too hard.

"Stop moving." He said. He's probably enjoying my torment, watching the big boss babble in pain.

"Are you almost done?" I asked through clenched teeth. Fuck, this shit hurts. I'm wondering if I should've just went to the hospital, they could've gave me something to numb the pain.

"There, all done." He finishes, yanking the last stitch out of my back.

"Gamísou (fuck you), I know you're enjoying this." I said, grimacing.

"Only a little, afentikó." He laughs. He has the audacity to laugh at me.

"Are they back yet?" I had Niko, Apollo and a couple men tail my family while they are out. I'm not taking no risks with them. Of course they don't know they're being followed or my wife would've been blowing up my phone.

"Not yet, they're stopped at a baby store right now. I was told that your mother has been buying out the last couple of stores they stopped at." Mamá is already spoiling these babies to death, I should probably have a word with her when she gets back but I know she loves these babies deeply already. I don't have the heart to tell her not to spoil her grandchildren so much. Needless to say, when they get older I will be expecting them to work hard for the things they want, I will not be having spoiled ungrateful brats as children.

A while later, the women arrive from their shopping spree.

"Basil, can you have some of your men grab all the bags in the back?" Mamá asked. I look to Andre giving him a look with my eyes.

"Already on it, afentikó."

Thalia and Layla walk in, the sight of her in a summer dress, her stomach clear on display stirs something inside me. A primal feeling, seeing my woman heavily pregnant with my children satisfies the caveman in me.

"Feggari mou, did you get anything for yourself?" I gave her my card before she left, telling her to get whatever her heart desires.

"No, I don't need anything but I did get a bunch of stuff for the babies. Just wait till all the bags are brought in and I'll show you." She grins, I can't help but admire her beauty, her grace.

Niko, Andre, Apollo and a couple men walk in with their hands full of shopping bags. Setting them down in the living room they go back out.

"There's more?" I asked. She blushes, her cheeks turning pink.

"I guess we all went kinda overboard." She says.

"There's enough clothes here to last a lifetime, it's like you're having four babies instead of two." Niko complained after dropping the last bag. Layla furrows her brow and playfully slaps his arm.

"I wasn't the only one buying stuff and anyways if I wanted to buy the whole store I could've but I stopped myself." She says, he just chuckles while shaking his head lightly. Watching these two together is like watching two siblings bicker over the stupidest shit. I'm glad that Niko has this, don't get me wrong, Layla could never replace his sister but seeing him with her has the light back in his usually empty eyes. Hopefully with time Layla can completely erase the emptiness and fill them with life.

Once all the bags are cleared out of the car the living room is full of shopping bags, there's not an inch of floor that isn't covered.

"Mamá!, why'd you get this many stuff?" I questioned exasperated. She looks at me sheepishly while Thalia smirks.

"What? Can't a grandmother spoil her grand babies." She said.

"Come here, these are all the things I bought." Layla pulls outfit after outfit from the bags.

"And look at this!, isn't this so cute?" She gushes, in one hand she holds a denim overall with a brown bear on the pocket and the other has a unicorn.

"It's cute, feggari mou. Perfect for the twins." I told her.

"Thalia bought car seats too, and Mamá bought another crib for the nursery." She rummages through the clothes. Mamá and Thalia take out blankets, towels, diapers, bottles and breasts pumps?

"Is there anything that you didn't buy?" At this point there's no point in me buying anything for the twins. Everything is already bought for the next two years of their lives.

"At least let me paint their room, it's something I can do for them." I said.

"You can paint the room anything you want." Layla said, she comes up to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"We'll go put these away in their closet." Thalia hoist's a big bag of clothes, mamá following behind her.

"How was the hospital visit?"

"I didn't go, I had Andre remove my stitches." She slaps me on the arm.

"Basil." Her mouth gapes open in shock. I shrugged my shoulders.

"How was the shopping trip?" I asked.

"It was fun, hanging out with Thalia and mamá made me realize how close your family is with each other."

"It's our family." I corrected. Her eyes softened at my words.

"I came up with names if that's alright with you." She bites her lip, anxious.

"Feggari mou, you can name them whatever you wish." She could name our babies bob and billy and it wouldn't matter.

" I was wondering if we could name them after your siblings, Atlas and Calliope."

"You know?" I whispered. She hums in affirmation.

"Thalia told me." I clutch her tightly, molding her body to mine. Tears leave my eyes landing atop her head.

"It's wonderful, I love it. Thank you." My voice is hoarse from emotion, naming our babies after my dead brother and sister elates me. Their deaths had a huge impact on our family especially mamá, it took her two years before she was her normal self. I still hadn't found who killed them not for lack of trying, Apollo has searched high and low for anything but so far nothings came up.

"Don't tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise. When I give birth that's when everyone will know."

"I agree, it will be the best suprise." I know mamá will cry when she finds out that her grandchildren will have the names of her son and daughter. It's like they get to live on through my children.

"I love you, feggari mou." I murmured.

"I love you too." She stands on her toes and places a quick kiss on my lips.

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