Chapter 21

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Atlas and Calliope were born on May 13 at 11:35 and 11:42 pm, about a week before my birthday and two weeks after Basil's.
Our babies are safely nestled in their cribs, Basil left to the waiting room to bring the whole family in.
One after the other they filter into the room, Bampás, mamá, Helios, Thalia and Dante. I guess Perseus couldn't make it.

"Aww! Look at how small they are." Thalia coos.

"My giagiá are finally here." Mamá says. Gently picking up Atlas she rocks him.

"What are their names?" Bampás asked, me and Basil stare at each other, we've been waiting for this moment.

"Atlas and Calliope." As soon as the names come out of my mouth mamá instantly sobs, she puts Atlas back in his crib.

"Efcharistó, Layla, efcharistó. You have given this family so much. You've given us hope for the future."

Bampás' eyes are misty as he stares down lovingly at his grandchildren.

"Go hold your niece, Helios." Thalia says, His face fills with fear.

"I'm good." He says. Basil goes to the crib and lifts our sleeping daughter into his arms and places her in Helios's

"Oh my god, I'm holding a baby." He stands tense like a statue but he holds her with a soft embrace.

"I can't believe I'm an uncle." He whispered. Atlas chooses that moment to scream at the top of his lungs.

Bampás picks him up and gives him to me, covering myself with a towel I breastfeed him.

"You were the same when you were a baby, always crying and always hungry." Mamá said to Basil, Helios has passed Calliope to Dante and he holds her like a person who's been around babies all their lives. Thalia watches the scene affectionately.

"In 7 months this will be us." She whispered to him.

After everyone's congratulated us and coos at the new additions it's back to the four of us.

"Dr.Papadakis says You can be discharged tomorrow. That you're recovering fast." He tells me.

"Hmm, can't wait to be home."


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A week later it's the day of the birthday party, Mackenzie and Layla's parents arrived yesterday with Andre dropping them off. To say that they were shocked when the three walked into the house and saw two babies that were a mix of us is an understatement. Her dad was fuming that I got his daughter pregnant so young while her mother was more upset about finding out that Layla gave birth without telling her. Mackenzie was a wreck crying and sobbing going on about how I stole her best friend from her.
Now that everyone's calmed down from the high emotions it was nice to see Atlas' and Calliope's grandparents dote on them. 
The backyard's set up and decorated with tables full of Layla's favorite Greek dishes. Her cake is in the fridge, it's a 3 tier white cake with chocolate mousse as the filling and buttercream icing.

"Feggari mou, come. I have a suprise for you." She excuses herself from the group of people.

"Mom, can you keep an eye on Atlas and Calliope?"

"Of course I'll keep an eye on my beautiful bebés, mi apuesto principe y linda princesa." (My handsome prince and pretty princess) She
Coos at them. From what Layla told me her father met Valeria Rosa Gutierrez when he was vacationing in Florida. Falling in love with the Puerto Rican woman he instantly married her in a month. He packed all of his belongings and moved his whole life to the states, to be closer to her. Malcolm Campbell is the epitome of a typical Scott. Tall and bulky with a thick red beard and a head full of hair. It's almost funny to see the pair standing next to each other, you have a 6'5 giant and a 5'0 tiny woman. Layla looks exactly like her dad but got her mother's shape, short and nicely rounded.
Grabbing her hand I bring her upstairs to our room, taking out the cases of jewelry I open them up and present them to her.

"Basil, they're so gorgeous." She whispered in awe. Taking the necklace I clasp it around her neck, along with her earrings and bracelet. She turns to look in the mirror and studies herself, wearing a long forest green dress with her fiery dark red hair she looks exactly like a goddess, a Greek goddess.

"Thank you. I love them so much." She hugs me close to her.

"There's something else too." Going underneath the bed I pull out her laptop.

"Since you told me that you want to go to school I thought why not get you a laptop you can use." She takes the laptop and opens the box, the sleek logo on the surface reflects the light of the room.

"This is too much Basil. I didn't even get you anything for you on your birthday." I wipe a strand tear from her cheek.

"There's nothing else I could've imagined having. You, Atlas and Calliope complete me." I tell her.

"Come, let's go enjoy your birthday party." We walk hand in hand down the stairs to the celebration that awaits us.

Going downstairs we see that the whole family is here. Helios, Thalia, Dante, Bampás and mamá, Perseus is gone as usual.

"Happy birthday sister." Helios says. He spots Mackenzie in the corner.

"And who is that?" He asked.

"That's Mackenzie, my best friend. Don't you dare touch a hair on her head." Layla warned.

"Ok mama bear."  He says smiling wide.

Our parents are seated at a table talking with each other, the twins are in their bassinets sleeping peacefully next to them.

"Happy birthday Layla. Here's your gift. You might want to open it in front of Basil only." Thalia whispered the last part causing Layla's cheeks to turn bright red, taking the gift from her she places it underneath her chair.

"Thank you Thalia."

Our night was full of laughter and joy.  The food was amazing, conversation flowed easily with Helios making a fool of himself a couple times. We sang happy birthday and slices of cake were cut and passed around, I of course ate three slices. We packed the leftover food into containers and let everyone take them to go. Helios tries to get Mackenzie's attention once again but failed.
Everyone has left now, her parents and Mackenzie retired upstairs still fatigued from jet-lag.

"Did you have a good birthday?" I asked, she cuddles up to me on the bed, our babies sleep in their cribs next to our bed. We'll let them sleep in their room once they're a few months older for now they sleep with us.

"It was the best, better than I could've asked for." Laying her head down on my chest, she runs her finger up and down my chest making my cock stir in my briefs.

"Five more weeks, five more weeks than I can finally have you. Take your body however I want." I rasped, judging from her eyes half lidded in desire she can't wait too.

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