Chapter 7

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Ever since that horrible incident, I've been closed off. Basil doesn't like it hell I don't like it. When I came out the bathroom that night some guy reeking of alcohol came onto me, I tried yelling for Basil but he covered my mouth. I felt his grabby hand try to reach under my dress as I struggled underneath him. As soon as Basil came around the corner and took in what was happening he shot the guy in the knee, he shot him in the other knee too. Now I'm sitting in the bedroom and moping. Basil comes into the room a stern look upon his face.

"Feggari mou, you can't spend the rest of your days in this room." I turn giving him my back.

"Don't let what happened affect you, don't let him change you. What happened to my fiery woman with the temper of a bull? Always headstrong and fighting." He sits next to me on the bed and turns my body to face him.

"I'm fine, I was just processing the last couple of days." I probably stink, lifting my arm I sniff myself. Scrunching my nose I know I smell like shit.

"You need to shower baby, you stink." He chuckles lightly.

"You're right."

"I'll be downstairs waiting for you, there's somewhere I want to take you." Tapping my nose softly he leaves the room.

Making my way downstairs I spot Basil and a couple of his men.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Smiling in enthusiasm I take his hand and head to the car. Andre drives us while Niko sits in the passenger seat. Looking back I see a black suv following us.

"Are those your men following us?"

"Yes, it's for protection." He said, typing away on his phone.

"Is it necessary though? I thought we were on your territory." He pockets his phone taking my hand in his.

"Always expect the unexpected, be prepared for anything so that if we do get attacked we have men to cover us." Pulling up his suit jacket I see his gun on the side.

Out of nowhere a car crashes into the side of the vehicle, making us flip over. My head bangs against the seat, Basil is unconscious next to me blood dripping down his head. I look to the front and see Andre and Niko passed out. There's gunshots and men yelling going on out there.

"Grab the girl and let's go!" A man yelled.

Arms pull me from my seat but I don't go willingly, I kick and scream trying to break free from their grip.

"Let go of me! Fucker! Let go!" They cover my mouth with a cloth until I feel myself sag in their arms. I just hope that whatever they gave me doesn't harm my babies, my vision goes dark.

 I just hope that whatever they gave me doesn't harm my babies, my vision goes dark

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I groan as I wake up, a pounding headache makes my vision blurry. Fuck, what happened? Turning I see Layla missing.

"Andre, get up! What the fuck happened!?" He groans, wiping the blood from his eyes. We just got into an accident, a car coming out of nowhere and hitting us.

Niko opens my door and helps me to my feet, we're all covered in scrapes and cuts.

"Where's Hermès?" I asked, Hermès and four other men were following us. I see dead bodies scattered all over the ground.

"They didn't make it, they all were shot in the chest." Niko said despondently. Skatá!, Hermès is my aunts only son, my mothers nephew.

"Where the fuck is Layla!?"

"She's missing, there's no signs of her anywhere." Niko said, I pull on my hair. Fear and trepidation filling my gut.

"Keep searching, you better find her. Andre look at all the cameras from the street. I'm not leaving without her." I walk around debris and men. Hoping to find a clue on what happened.

"Afentikó!, I found something." He runs up to me showing me a video on his phone. I watch as a car hits us making it flip. Hermès' vehicle is shot at, some men get out and shoot at our attackers but they're all shot dead. A black van comes and someone drags Layla from the vehicle, my fiery beauty doesn't go without a fight. She's kicking and screaming until they cover her mouth with something and she passes out. The men are hard to identify, they're wearing masks and all black clothing.

"I want all eyes open, capture any men you think had a hand in this and get info from them, use any method necessary to get answers. Make sure Leander is ready with all types of tools, he'll be needing it." Someone kidnapped Layla from me, I will turn this world upside down until I find her. I don't care how many lives I have to take but I will find her.

"Could it be the Cubans? The Yakuza?" Andre asked.

"I don't know but whoever took her will suffer a fate worse than death." I'm coming for you Layla, for you and our babies.

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