Is now a bad time ?

Start from the beginning

Ah ! So how is she ? Grandpa asked laughing. She can speak Spanish ? He asked and I could see mom giving me a look like 'see it's important'. I squeezed my lips and muttered.

Well I.. I'm teaching her..? I hesitantly answered. That's a big lie but they all thought I'd date the the first Afro Latina queen that'd come in view. They looked kind of surprised but said nothing so I gulped. But she studies in the same school as me, she's a great dancer, an amazing musician, her father's captain of the NYPD actually. I added as dad rolled his eyes.

They always choose the white dudes, I could've been captain as well ! He commented, he will never get over this.

Ohh she looks good I hope we get to meet her ! Grandma excitedly answered.

If you are happy, we are. Grandpa confirmed with a nod. Anyways, so here is your gift ! I broke our TV if you fix it I give you 100$ dollars ! He said as my eyes opened wide. They'd always give me random amount of money as a gift, like from 5 to 150$ one day.

How bad it is ? I asked.

Too bad, I can't even watch football anymore, see by yourself ! He said pointing the TV and I took a look standing up. I looked behind and sighed when I saw what was the problem. They literally did no efforts... I plugged the HDMI cable in the right place and the sound of the TV came back.
He did it ! I knew having someone in science would solve all my problems ! He laughed as I rolled my eyes.

Well I'll take some fresh air, have fun ! I said going to the garden, theirs was a lot larger than ours so I decided to sit at the very end of it to not be bothered. Yeah it's time to call Gwen, I wonder what she's up to ? I should've invited her to come with me really.. I thought letting out a sigh. I feel kinda lonely without her right now.

I frowned when the call was cut meaning she denied it. Well that's a first.. I looked at my phone screen when a notification popped up and frowned when I saw her message.


I'll call you back

I just shrugged it off wondering what she could be up to.

• • •

It was now Sunday and I was once more waiting for Gwen to pick up her phone while sitting on the stairs in front of my door step. I was fully dressed up and waited for her to answer so I'd ask her if I could come over or if we could just hand out. I can bring her somewhere nice with the money abuelo gave me.. I smiled at the thought biting my nail while waiting for her to answer. When she didn't, I decided to call her one last time and this time she answered.

Hey Miles... she said in a tired voice.

Someone had a short night.. I joked as she chuckled.

Yeah I slept at 3AM.. she yawned and I looked at my phone screen to see it was just 9.

Oh my bad you wanna sleep ? I asked.

No I'm good, so how was your day with your grandparents ?

Like usual, I shrugged. They'd like to meet you though. I added.

Oh really ? I'd be glad. She said and I could hear her smile.

And you ? How was your day, I saw you were busy. I said referring to her text.

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