What if? Rimuru's subordinates suddenly became competent.

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This is a disclaimer(?) of sorts. This chapter is the first thing I ever wrote so I don't intend to alter it or improve it. It has some sentimental value (regardless of how annoying it is to look at lol). Well, the point of this is to keep readers from dipping after seeing the state this chapter is in. Basically, check future chapters for improved quality (By future, I mean the short story, ignore the what if if you want.) Well, have fun.

[[Good morning master.]]

"Yeah, good morning Ciel."
I switched to human form and responded to Ciel's greeting. Now I don't actually need sleep but I can simulate an imitation of it by dulling my senses to extremes, my reason for doing this being the immense mental exhaustion from doing endless paperwork.

I stepped out of my room in the castle my subordinates insisted on building after the war 50 years ago, it was right after we were done putting everything back into place.

I sighed as I thought of all the work I would have to go through today.
[Shuna, are you there?]
Opening thought communication with Shuna I meant to ask if today's quota of paperwork was ready.
[Rimuru-sama? Good morning, what can I do for you?] She asked.
[Nothing much, just asking about today's paperwork. Do you have it ready?]
[Hm? Paperwork? Ah, you don't have to worry about that Rimuru-sama, we have it taken care of.]
Shuna just said something ridiculous, didn't she?

[[Yes master?]]
"Am I trapped in some sort of illusion?"

[[I can assure you that no such thing is happening master.]]

"You sure?"

[[Yes master, really.]]

"Really really!?"
[[ ]]

Okay, it's best I stop now, Ciel sounds annoyed.

But still....
Taken care of?
Since when was that a thing!?

As usual when I go on mental tangents thought acceleration is engaged so basically no time has passed since I flipped out.

[Um, Shuna? What exactly do you mean by taken care of?]

[What..? I mean your subordinates that are responsible for administrative purposes have taken care of it, Rimuru-sama.]

'Who the hell are those!?'
I only know Rigurd takes some part of the paperwork off my hands, who is Shuna talking about?

[Who exactly are these subordinates Shuna...?]

[Oh! There's Testarossa-san who takes care of diplomatic relations and communications, Ultima-san is managing internal security files and the such, Benimaru-nii san is handling the army logistics and funding papers, Gabiru-san is taking care of the research and development papers and so on. At this point we only need Rimuru-sama for issues that require sovereign permission to execute.]
'When did these guys become so competent!?'

Now that I think of it, isn't this how it's supposed to be. I'm sure the other demon lords don't slave over paperwork all day.
You know what? This is good. I finally have some free time, I can have some fun.

[Okay Shuna, I'll leave it to you then.] After saying this I cut the link off.

I sighed again but in happiness this time.

"Let's go Ciel, fun awaits!"
[[Yes master.]]
It's been 2 hours since I said those words, but now they feel so empty.

"Why am I feeling empty, Ciel?"
[[It is most likely because of your current lack of purpose master.]]

'You didn't have to be so harsh about it..'
Though I can't deny the validity of Ciel's answer.

I think back to the interactions I've had during the last 2 hours.
"Rimuru-sama, good morning."

"Good morning, Rigurd."

After leaving my room I made my way to the administrative block, there I met Rigurd carrying some papers heading towards his office.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Rimuru-sama?"

"Nothing special, i just have some free time so i decided to stroll around."

"Is that so? Well i have to go now Rimuru-sama, please excuse me."

Just like that he started walking down the hall as I looked on in a dazed stupor.
Wait! Wait!

He's gone just like that!?

[[Unlike a certain someone he actually has work to do.]]

"Don't give me that, Ciel. I'm enjoying myself right now and that's not gonna change" I said as I placed my arms on my waist in a display of defiance.

[[Yes master, it definitely will not.]]
Somehow Ciel sounded sarcastic in that comment.

[[It's just your imagination master.]]

"Yeah, yeah it is.... Like hell! I know you were definitely sarcastic there, just watch I'll prove you wrong."

[[ ]]
I'm just gonna go see Veldora in the labyrinth.

I used [[Void God Azatoth's]] Space-Time Domination to move instantaneously to
Veldora's location in the labyrinth.

The room was dimly lit with a bunch of important looking equipment arranged neatly on various shelves that spanned the 6 walls of the oddly shaped room.

'Huh, why is Veldora in this important looking place? Hell, where is this even?'

"Oh Rimuru!! You decided to visit today?"
Veldora asked as he noticed my presence.

"Yeah, where are we even? I haven't been here before, just searched for you through the soul corridor and ended up here."

"Kuahahaha! This is a new research facility that Ramiris added. Looks cool right?"

Yeah that's all well and good but I'll deal with it later, for now I need this otaku Dragon to follow me for some fun.

"So Veldora, wanna go do something fun?"

I asked, waiting for his loud declaration of agreement.

"Hmm? I'm actually busy with an interesting project with Ramiris right now. I don't have time today, sorry."
Who is this imposter and what did he do with my storm dragon!?

Did I hear that correctly?
[[Yes master, you did.]]

But how..!?
"Um, Veldora? Did you hear what I said correctly?" I asked just in case his head was in one of his beloved storm clouds.

"Of course, I'm working just like a responsible person, is that so hard to believe? It's not like I'm some guy who goes around looking for something to do.

I'm the great storm dragon Veldora!! I have to be productive, kuahahaha!!"
Kuk! That hit hard, I'm on a break you know! I'm not lazy!

"Okay, I'll leave you to it then."
"Yeah bye, see you later."

I teleported to the roof of the castle and just lied there.
So in 2 hours I've done nothing remotely fun.
"I think I'm gonna go do some paperwork."

So that was the first chapter, I'm not actually continuing this specific one. I'm gonna think up some interesting stuff to write about do the next one. Hopefully inspiration visits me.
So bye for now.

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