Mending Hearts

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Jungkook cannot contain what his heart is feeling right now, he never knew he had a daughter, he never knew what his lover went through in all these years. A part of him is blaming himself for not trying hard to find her or to find out about her or anything that could have told him about her pain and the hardships that she went through alone when he could have been with her. The guilt of letting her go in the middle of the night and all of that leading to this, he cannot change the past but all he can do right now is to cry about it. So, he is doing that right now, he hugged his daughter and is just crying, y/n put her hand on his shoulder he looked up at her and pulled her on the couch with him and hugged her, and keep on sobbing. Angel pulled back to see her father crying for unknown reasons, "da-da why are you crying? Are you crying because you missed me and Mama?" she asked with her doe eyes looking at her father. Jungkook cannot form words because of how overwhelmed he is feeling, he nodded at her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "We missed you too da-da, mama always cry when she missed you...but Angel always kisses Mama and she feels happy want Angel to kiss you and make you happy happy?" Jungkook looked at y/n knowing she missed him and cried for him to which she just lowered her head and wiped her tears away. Jungkook put an arm around her and pulled her closer to himself before diverting his attention back to his daughter, "yes...da-da very much like his daughter to make him happy happy..." he said while smiling through his tears. She motioned him to bring his face closer to her which he did and she gently placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Ok, da-da is happy now, but it's time to go to bed, you have school tomorrow..." y/nbopped her little nose to which Angel hugged Jungkook tighter. "No, I want to play with da-da...I missed him..." Jungkook hugged her tighter and chuckled because how she whined just like him. "You can play with da-da when you come back from school tomorrow, he is not going anywhere..." but she paused at that and looked at Jungkook. She does not know if she has that right on him anymore to make decisions for him, can he stay? Or more like will he stay? Jungkook looked at her and then ruffled little Angel's hair before saying, "Yes, da-da will be right here when you come back baby, so, now let's go to bed...shall we?" He got up and picked up Angel and decided to put her to sleep, y/n pointed at the room. Angel has her own room which she stays in all day long but at nighttime, she sleeps with her mama and so, y/n pointed Jungkook to her own room. While Jungkook put his little baby to sleep y/n decided to get some dinner ready for herself and for Jungkook.

Today after four years y/n is cooking food for "her" Jungkook, circumstances might not be the same as they were before, but he is here, she is here with him, their daughter finally have her whole family with her, and nothing can be better than this right now. She is cooking Jungkook's favorite food which she always makes as Angel also has the same likes and dislikes as her father. Angel has more characteristics of Jungkook than y/n, she loves banana milk, and almost loves all the food that Jungkook loves. She is adventurous and active just like him and y/n always says that she barely has any characteristics of her mother.

Jungkook on the other hand just entered y/n's room and he can just tell it's her room but also, he is shocked at what he is looking at. The room has many pictures of Jungkook and y/n from four years ago and pictures of all the hyungs and y/n. Jungkook stands in front of the picture that they all took when they went to the waterfalls in Jeju-island on their family trip. He stands in front of that picture and stares at it with Angel still in his arms who just cannot believe that she is finally with her da-da. He looks at her and smiles and place a small kiss on her cheek, "Baby do you know all of these people in this picture?" Jungkook asked Angel while pointing at the picture. To which she nodded and pointed her cute little finger at every individual and said their respective names, "Mama, da-da, Moonah Appa, Jin Appa, Yoongi Appa, Hobi Appa, Jimin Appa, and Taetae Appa" she said while tightening her grip around Jungkook's neck and looking at him with adoring eyes. At that moment Jungkook remembered how he once told y/n that when he has his kids he would want them to address his Hyungs by calling them Appa because they all raised Jungkook as their own son, putting his needs over their own and he want his kids to know how special they are to him. He held back his tears knowing that y/n taught his daughter to call them all Appa because that's what Jungkook wanted.

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