Happy Birthday!!

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Morning sun kissed them on their sleepy faces and there was a movement under the sheets, Jungkook woke up and a beautiful smile spread across his face looking at the ethereal beauty sleeping in his arms. "I wish this time would just stop and we stayed in this moment forever," he muttered under his breath and the word "forever" created a lump in his throat. He told himself to ignore those thoughts and put a smile on his face, "wake up sunshine," Jungkook said placing a kiss on y/n's cheek. "I should be the tired one babe, not you," Jungkook said moving the sheets away from her, she scoffed and pulled the sheets back. He got on top of her and laid down on her, "what will I tell hyungs when they will see me limping?" he said in a soft tone, "huh? Tell me?" he bopped her nose. She opened her eyes, but the sun rays made her close them again, Jungkook put his hand out to block the sunrays bothering her eyes, she looked at his hand and smiled and then looked at his cute bunny face which was pouting. "They saw it coming my bunny, they knew what you did at the restaurant. They told me to let you be able to walk in the morning, so I showed mercy, lover boy," she said pulling his cheeks. He was still confused about why she said that, but she is always saying things that confuse him, so he let it be. The doorbell rang and Jungkook tried to get up, but it was a little too fast for him because it was still hurting in his ass, "relax your ass bub," she said with a smirk and pecked his lips while getting up to open the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!!!!!!" to her surprise it was none other than the boys, she was surprised and at the same time happy because they all remembered her birthday. They all hugged her and individually wished her, she had tears in her eyes because y/n didn't celebrate her birthday in years because she is always very busy with work and never had time to celebrate it, besides a little cake cutting with Adam which he will do it even though she always stops him from doing it but he never listens. "Why are you crying y/n," Jin asked taking her into a hug, everyone looked at her with concern. In the last couple of months, y/n has become a very important part of everyone's life, they all treat her like their little sister and sometimes like a daughter so she is very special to them, more than they can say. "It's just...I didn't have a birthday in as long as I can remember and this is my best birthday so far...I love you all so much...more than I can tell you...please know I love you all so much," she opened her arms, "family hugs?" and everyone jumped into the group hug but Jungkook took a minute to walk up to that group and everyone noticed him limping, as much as everyone wanted to laugh they controlled.

"Alright y/n let's get ready we have a lot to do today, it's your birthday and we have got the whole day planned," Hobi gave her a bag that has the clothes they bought for her and pushed her toward the bathroom, she went in to change and get ready. They all made a circle and sat around Jungkook, now they finally had the chance to talk to him about last night, "what??" Jungkook asked annoyedly feeling the six pairs of eyes on him. "So how are you feeling?" Hobi asked poking him in his rib, he huffed at it because he knew exactly what they were talking about, but he was ignoring the conversation because he knew that they will tease him. "Lover boy how's your ass doing??" Jimin asked shamelessly, "I am fine, I'm a man, what are you talking about, little man," Jungkook mocked Jimin. "Grab me that water bottle from there please," Taehyung asked Jungkook, and they all laughed when he tried to walk to get the water and he was limping. "She tore the ass apart of this man," Yoongi said in between his laughs, Jungkook huffed at his hyungs teasing him but thinking of last night made his cheeks go all red like a tomato.

They were all ready and getting in the cars to drive to their first destination after the breakfast that they all had in y/n and Jungkook's room. Y/N gave Jungkook some pain relievers so he can enjoy the rest of the day better. Their first stop was the Jeju Gimnyeong Maze Park, y/n didn't like the thoughts of mazes because she is always terrified of getting lost in them, but she never told the boys about it and was excited to go. Jungkook made sure she takes her allergy medication because will be a lot of plants around her. They got there and walked around the park before going into the maze. They were divided into groups of two, Jungkook and Y/n were in one group, "Don't let go of my hand Koo..." Y/n said to Jungkook in a nervous tone. He held her hand tight and brought it closer to his heart "Never ever baby girl," she looked at him with disgust on her face at the word baby girl.

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