Stories Unsaid

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"How many days?" Yoongi asked in a concerned yet a little annoyed tone to the person on the other side of the line. "Ok, call me if you get any news, I will see what I can do," is all Yoongi said before hanging up the phone. Jimin was looking at the older while rubbing his eyes, as his sleep was bothered by Yoongi's phone ringing. "What happened?" Jimin asked in his raspy morning voice, Yoongi cooed at his cuteness before kissing his forehead and answering his question. "It was Jungkook's assistant calling from States, they haven't seen him in four days, he didn't come to work, no one knows where he at." Yoongi settled down next to sleepy Jimin and was engulfed in a warm hug from him. "I thought he was just busy with work because he didn't contact me, so I did not feel like bothering him, but now I'm worried," Yoongi continued while Jimin placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "He will be ok Hyung, don't worry much. Our Kookie can take care of himself," and Yoongi just nuzzled his face in Jimin's neck. Even though he knows that his baby is grown up, he has also seen Jungkook in his most vulnerable times and he just wants Jungkook to be ok, wherever he is.

Jungkook on the other hand is currently on a subway, and he has no idea about where it is going. He is standing in the corner of it in his regular black sweats, black bucket hat, and a mask covering his face. His eyes fell on a familiar face every second, tear almost on the edge of his eyes, ready to fall anytime. The train stopped at an unknown stop, and a certain someone stepped out, Jungkook followed behind, but he got stuck behind some people and by the time he got out of the train, his eyes were looking around to find the familiar face again but cannot find it anywhere. "No...No...No.... I can't lose you..." he said under his breath and started to run toward the exit so he can catch up with the person. He was running around in the Grand Central Train Station when someone grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to an empty side of the station. It was so sudden that Jungkook did not realize what happened, "WHO ARE..." The words did not seem to form when his eyes locked with the other pair of eyes. "Stop following me around Jeon Jungkook... it's creepy." That is all that person said and let go of his arm, "how did you know??" Jungkook was surprised at how that person recognized him when he was covering his face.

That person stopped and turned around and walked toward him, his breath was unstable with his heart beating like that again after 4 years. "I don't need to see your face to recognize you," he locked his eyes with the other pairs, "I can feel you in my heart Jungkook, my heart always beats a little faster when it is closer to yours, you covered your face but you never covered your eyes," she gently moved her hand toward his face and removed his mask from his face. "These eyes are my favorite in the world...I can never forget them, your eyes made me fall in love with you even before you, same eyes as my..." she stopped before she finished her sentence. Jungkook never knew when his eyes started to shed tears or when she walked away from him. It took him a few seconds before he realized that y/n walked away from there, so, he started to walk behind her and started to follow her. Y/N knew he was following her, she might have wanted to stop him, but she don't know why she didn't. Jungkook wanted to run to her, hold her hand, and put his hand around her waist, just like how they used to walk near the Han River, just like the old days, but he decided to just follow her quietly and not push her too much.

She walked to her car and got into it, Jungkook stopped for a second because he did not what to do next. But a smile took over his face when he heard y/n honk and signaled him to come sit in the car. He did not hold back and just ran to get into the car, she smiled seeing the happiness on her face. "You have been following me for four days Jungkook, Creepy..." Y/N said while side-eyeing Jungkook who just lowered his head realizing she knew the whole time. "How and when did you find out?" Jungkook asked out of curiosity. "I knew it was you when our hand touched that night Jungkook at The Edge...and I don't know how I knew that you were following me, but I just knew...more like my heart knew that You were there...I don't really feel like that every day..." she said all at once. No other words were exchanged after that they both were happy to be around each other after a very long time. A little later she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful house, more like a mansion, and Jungkook's eyes widened at what he was looking at. She parked the car and Jungkook followed her in, "is this your house bae...I mean y/n" he didn't realize when his tongue just slipped. There was an awkward silence, so y/n decided to break it, "My parents." She walked toward the kitchen and grab some banana milk for him, he was surprised by that but before he got to ask anything the doorbell rang. y/n walked toward the door and opened it, "Hi Adam!" Jungkook saw Adam walking in with a little girl sleeping in his arms. "She fell asleep in the car, she and McKayla had a fun and tiring day," he chuckled and gave her to y/n. "I will tuck her in, and I will be back," she walked away with the little girl in her arms. As she walked away Adam saw Jungkook, "Hey Adam!" "Hey, Jungkook."

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