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"Hey y/n can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Jungkook asked in a gentle tone while holding her hand. "Ahan!" y/n said in a low tone as her head is still resting on Jungkook's shoulder. "What happened to you? How did you get hurt?" That was the moment she realized what she was doing, she looked at her hand that was resting in Jungkook's warm hand, and she moved it which was sudden for Jungkook. "Being a cop is not fun, you make enemies and that means you can and will get hurt. I was working on a case without any backup, and during the fight, all this happened," She answered while not making eye contact with him. "But why did Adam say that someone will kill you? Who?" Jungkook is asking a question that y/n cannot answer, it is not that she cannot answer it is more like she does not want to answer them. "The other people that I got into a fight with are from a very dangerous gang and they want me dead, so for my safety, my department believes it is better for me to leave until they take control over the gang so I can go back when it is safer for me." Jungkook is listening to her, focusing on what she has to say, but some part of him is telling him that she is not telling the truth, and even if she is telling the truth, it is not the complete truth. But he doesn't want to push her too much right now, because if it is not safe for her, he wants to keep her closer to himself so he can take care of her, and if he will ask too many questions, he is worried that she will try to leave him and he does not want that, never.

It is going to be a long flight so Jungkook and y/n decided to get some sleep because there was nothing else that they can do. So, they went into the room on the plane, it was not very big, but it has two beds so they both can rest. They laid down on their beds, "Sweet dreams y/n" Jungkook said in his sweet voice, "likewise kookie" y/n said with a soft smile on her bruised lips. Not even five minutes later and Jungkook was already snorting, he must have been tired and exhausted, and sleeping on the couch must not have been fun.

Y/N couldn't sleep, she turned toward her right side and her eyes fell on a beautiful face, which has calmness and peace on it and is looking cute. "Lies.... it's all lies..." a voice that she heard in her head, it never scared her before but today it is scaring her, she wants to stop all of this and just scream the truth to Jungkook, but she knows she cannot. She wants to tell who she is she wants to tell him she is not just a regular cop; she wants to tell him that she is so deep into this job that now it is so hard for her to get out of it, she wants to tell him that she is no innocent person that he thinks she is, she is a monster, a monster that makes the devil fear her. But once Jungkook finds it, he will leave her because she lied to him, and he will also fear the monster she is. He will leave her just like his first love, who loved her more than anything, but the day he found out who she was he feared the real her and left her saying "You are a monster" and since that day she always reminded herself that she was a monster, and she deserves no love and no good in her life. But since she met Jungkook she wants to feel being loved again, she wants to feel good again, she does not want to be alone. She wants to remember the warmth of the other person when she is in his arms and feel safe and protected, but most of all feel loved because she deserves all of this.

A tear fell from her face without her knowing, she cannot lie to him and that is all she can think of right now. One thing about y/n that makes her different from others is that she does not like to wait for too long when it comes to clear things with others, she does it right there and then so the other person cannot complain that she took too long. So, she decided to tell Jungkook the truth, more like the partial truth so that she knows what he thinks and what he will do before her feelings for him go out of hand. "Yes, I will tell him the truth," and while in her thoughts and looking at Jungkook her eyes started to get heavier, and she fell asleep.

"y/n-ssi," she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she opened her eyes slightly and her eyes met the beautiful doe eyes, "time for food y/n-ssi, wakeie, wakeie," how can someone be this cute she said in the back of her head, and she slowly got up because her body is still in pain. Jungkook carefully scooped her in his arms and took her out of the room and sat her on the seat. The air hostess was serving them the food and all y/n could think was of how caring and loving Jungkook is, his small actions just show how much he cares about her and how he is taking care of her, it feels like a dream. "A dream, exactly, a dream that will not last long once he finds out you are a Monster y/n" the same voice in her head raised and she cannot ignore it, she didn't realize when tears starting to flow from her lonely, cold eyes, that were focused on Jungkook's beautiful face. "Oh y/n I'm excited for you to meet my hyungs, they actually raised me, and they are the best people ever, you are going to love them, they are amazing," Jungkook said while looking at his phone, and when he looked at up he felt an ache in his heart, he cannot see y/n crying, he cannot see tears in her eyes, that breaks his heart.

He quickly got up and wiped her tears and asked what was wrong. She did not say anything and just hugged him tightly, Jungkook got worried but mostly he was confused about that hug. He tried to break the hug and to ask her what was wrong, but he stopped when he heard y/n saying, "No!! please just for a little longer, I want to stay here just for a little longer before it is all over, I just want to be here before this all shatters." Jungkook's heart clenched in his chest, he does not know why she is saying that but he can feel the pain and worry in her voice, there has to be something that must be bothering her, but he let her hug her for as long as she wants to. After a little while she let go of him wetting his shirt with her tears, Jungkook sat down in front of her and cupped her cheeks in his warm hands. "Y/N please tell me what is wrong, I will fix it, you can trust me, please tell me what is going on. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me I cannot see tears in your eyes. Please y/n talk to me." She cannot see the worry on his face, she wants to tell him the truth, but she does not know how he would react most likely it will break him, and she wants to see his bunny smile and she knows he will lose that smile once he knows the truth. She promised herself that she will tell him everything once they got to Seoul and he is with his family so they can take care of him because he will defiantly kick her out, and so she won't be there to take care of him when he will be devastated by the truth.

She held his hands that were still holding on to her face and forced a smile on her face so that the other person can relax a bit. "Sorry kookie, I don't know why I cried like this, I did not mean to get you worried. And you didn't do anything wrong Kookie." She does not realize how many butterflies Jungkook feels in his stomach when she calls him kookie. "I guess I haven't seen my family in six months due to work that I was so alone and now out of blue you came into my life and took care of me, you make me feel important, and most of all make me feel needed and someone that is worth caring for. All of it is very overwhelming, I am just not used to all of it. Sorry I did not want to..." "It's ok please do not say sorry. I am happy that you let me take care of you and yes you are very important," y/n's heart skipped a thousand beats when he felt his long, beautiful fingers on her lips that Jungkook put on them before she even got to finish what she was saying.

He got up and sat on his seat so they can get back to eating their food that was getting colder now. Jungkook was happy that y/n said all this to him, he was happy that she felt good because of him. This was the most y/n has ever talked to him, and he was grateful for that, and he was happy with the progress of how y/n was getting to know him and was coming closer to him. "Did you make this food Kookie?" kookie??? God y/n makes Jungkook weak in his knees by calling him that, and he suddenly was snapped out of his dreams. The air hostess told her that while she was sleeping Jungkook made the food for her, and it was delicious. "Oh yeah!!!" Jungkook said while looking down trying to hide the red color that was appearing on his cheeks. He thinks y/n didn't see that poor Jungkook, y/n saw it all kookie.

After eating their food, they decided to watch some random movie while they wait for landing. Jungkook told her about his brothers who he was very excited for her to meet. She was living a dream that she did not want to wake up from, so she ignores what her mind was screaming to her, and she let her heart take over for the time being. She listened to all he was telling her about her brothers and their cute habits. She met them all the night she rescued Jungkook from that crackhead but besides Namjoon's name she did not know anything about him, she did not even ask anyone else their names. So, after listening to Kookie who was excitedly talking about all of them know she was excited to meet them too. The movie was long enough to put y/n back to sleep because she has this habit of falling asleep while watching movies and she never finishes them in one sitting. So, she fell asleep leaning her head on his shoulder, Jungkook moved a little down because he is tall for her, and he wanted her to get comfortable. He held her hand in his hand and caressed it gently, but his heart clenched seeing the bruises. "The day I found out who gave her these bruises, that motherfucker is as good as dead." 

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