Flying Lights

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They arrived at the Han River where they can see the sunset, the weather was beautiful as the cool breeze was blowing and brushing through y/n's hair. Her hair was falling on her face and her fixing them was a more beautiful view than the sun setting. Jungkook still cannot believe that they both were together, guess in the end all the wait he had done for her was finally paying off. But the thought of her leaving when the time comes makes Jungkook sad every time he thinks of it. Besides him being happy over the fact that she is with him he never stops thinking about what he will do when she leaves, will she stay for him or not? Those thoughts make him sad, and he does not want that to ruin this moment with her. Today he is going to tell her how he feels about her, he will be honest about his feelings, and whatever is there that she wants to say he is ready for it. He wants her to know how he feels about them and what she thinks about all of it. With how different she is being with him today, he is hopeful that her answer will make him happy, but he cannot be sure.

Y/N put the picnic cloth on the ground and Jungkook took out the picnic basket and put it on it that he was carrying for her. They sat there, and while munching on the snacks that y/n brought for them Jungkook ask y/n if she would like to tell him about herself because there is not a lot that he knows about her. Y/N has been in Korea for a couple of weeks now and she has got to know Jungkook and his brother Jungkook never tried to hide anything from her, and it will not be fair if she does not answer his simple question. "Well, I do not really have a very big family," y/n said while looking far in the lengths of Han River. Whereas Jungkook's eyes are fixed on her face, "It's my parents, my younger brother, and I," "Oh you have a brother?" Jungkook asked in surprise to which y/n nodded while looking at him and passing him a soft smile. "Yeah, and they all live in California, while I stay in New York for work." There was sadness in her voice that Jungkook felt, and his heart ached at that. "So, do you get to see them often?" y/n was still looking at the endless river, "Sometimes, because they all have a busy life and I try to stay away from them as much as I can even though I don't want to I have to. Because I do not want to bring my problems or troubles to them. They deserve a happy life and I am no one to ruin that for them," her throat was hurting due to the tears that she was holding back. Jungkook felt that he put his hand on top of hers to comfort her, a tear fell from the corner of her eye, and Jungkook couldn't help himself but wipe off her face. Jungkook didn't ask any further questions because they were making her sad and he for sure does not want that.

There was a guy on the same side of the river as them and he was playing a beautiful song, even though y/n couldn't understand the lyrics she can still feel the love in that music, and she couldn't help but enjoy that music. Jungkook looked at her and laughed at how she was moving her head to the beat of the song, "you understand the lyrics?" y/n looked at him and said, "no, but I love the voice it is so sweet, and it sounds like he is singing something about love, it's just soothing." "Y/N sorry to break it to you but he is singing a song about betrayal in the name of love," y/n stopped in her spot and looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face. "Well how can it be love if it is betrayal," she said with uncertainty in her tone. "The world is cruel when it comes to love and the lover. To be honest, I can never stand a person who would love me and then stab me in the back," Jungkook said looking at the man singing the song. What he didn't see was the teary eyes of his lover who was with him all in the name of backstabbing. She does not know why those words of him pierced through her heart, but it was painful. But y/n knows that her feelings for him were real it was nothing that she planned it was true feelings and she does love him. She ignores those thoughts when Jungkook looked at her she passed a smile and started to focus on the night she planned. She saw how Jungkook was struggling to sit because his back was bothering him probably due to the long flight and then working at the office all day.

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