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"Hey partner," "He is there," Adam guided her to a room. "Well, hello there Miguel Galindo, we finally met." Miguel is the head of the Galindo cartel, the one that used Jungkook's company's weapon to kill people. "What a pity seeing the head of the biggest Cartel in the world tied to the chair like an animal," Y/n said in a cold voice. "Hello officer, how's your family doing and your little lover here?" y/n's blood boiled at that question, but she knows damn well to stay calm right now. "They are doing great; you almost stole my words. How is your mother? Your wife, she is very pretty though...and oh let me say this first, Congratulations on the birth of your son. He is very beautiful. He looks just like his mother, No Offense though. How is he?" He was shocked by that because no one in the world knows about his family, "How did you..." "Well as you know that I am a cop at the end of the day," Y/n said while smirking.

"Let's get to the point, I'm here to make a deal with you. We both know that you are the one who killed all these people and Jungkook and his company got dragged into this because you bought the weapons from them and misused them. Now you will confess to your crime and we both will be back to our lives. Easy peasy lemon squeezy." She smiled at her last sentence because Jungkook says it all the time she didn't even know when she started saying all of this. "And what will I get out of all this officer, nothing in that deal sounded like a benefit to me," Galindo asked while struggling through the ropes tying him down. "Well, there are a lot of benefits, emmmm like... first FBI won't walk into the door and take you because they been hunting you down like a hungry wolf lately. Or I won't hand you to your rival cartels for them to cut you into pieces and eat you as their dinner. And the last one is you still will have a family to greet you when you go back home before their plane crashes while flying to New York right now? Want me to count you more?" "I WILL KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Y/N...." "You are forgetting something Galindo, my family is under federal protection, you even give them a little scratch, and the feds will rip you apart. And I will make sure they have you." "You don't have to confess yourself; you have enough animals to sacrifice, have some of your men confess. I don't care who, as long as Jungkook and his company and his brothers are off the hooks." "And I will take the abduction and assault charges off of you that you did to me."

Galindo started to laugh out loud which confused Y/n and Adam, "You think we abducted you? Oh, poor y/n I pity you." She was still confused and doesn't understand what he was saying. "It wasn't us who abducted you, none of my men even touched you. I am surprised you never knew this. I always wondered how he was your lover y/n." WTF is he saying... "It was Jeon Jungkook who abducted you, who tortured you. We just asked him to get rid of the cop on our ass. Little did he know it was you. You really didn't know?" Galindo kept laughing at it. "Galindo, are you making the deal or not?" Adam asked because he saw y/n lost in her thoughts. "Yes, as long as you hold your side of the deal, I will send my men right now and you can arrest them." Galindo made a call to his men and after a few minutes Adam got the call from the department that they arrested the men Adam made sure that Jungkook, his family, and his company were off the hook. The department assured him of that and he told y/n. She untied Galindo, "Remember one thing Galindo, if you or any of your men ever came for my family, my brothers or MY JUNGKOOK, as much as I don't want to hurt your 5 months old son, you still won't be able to celebrate his first birthday. If you doubt that ask your men who hurt Jungkook earlier today, they will surely be able to tell you about the devil I am, and how merciless I get when it comes to my family." Galindo growled at her before leaving. "y/n what are you going to do with abduction and Jungkook?" Adam asked putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Well, he accepted my other side without questioning it Adam, and I guess our love is strong enough that I can let go of that charge and never talk about it again," y/n said with her teary eyes, still not making eye contact with Adam. "Ok!! When are you coming back?" "Soon... and tell chief I am sending him my resignation letter. He should get it before you land in the States but remind him when you get there." Adam was holding back tears; he doesn't want y/n to leave but he also knows that there has to be a reason behind that but he didn't question her. "Thank you for everything Adam, you are the best partner ever. I see you in the States, I must go get some groceries."

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