Glass Castle

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The flight was not too long so they landed in Jeju after an hour, the cars were waiting for them at the airport, and they head straight to their hotel

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The flight was not too long so they landed in Jeju after an hour, the cars were waiting for them at the airport, and they head straight to their hotel. They decided to go for breakfast after dropping off their luggage at the hotel. They did breakfast at a restaurant near the beach. After breakfast, they decided to take a walk on the beach before heading back to the hotel to get some sleep. "How was the food babe," Jungkook asked while back hugging y/n. "It was great bub," she said leaning her head back into his neck. "You know what's crazy," y/n said putting her hands on Jungkook's who was holding her waist, "what?" Jungkook asked, "I'm scared of water, but beaches and lakes somehow give me peace, they are always my go-to when I feel tired of the world." "Same," Jungkook whispered in a low tone. "Let's do this...whenever we miss each other, we should visit the beach, lake, or river, and assure us of the day we meet again," she felt a lump in her throat saying that. "I will be here all day every day then," Jungkook said while kissing her forehead softly. "Promise me something kookie?" she said while moving her shaky hand toward him. "Promise me whatever the future hold for us you will never blame yourself for anything, whatever it is please blame me for it please hate me for it. I can take everything even your hate, but not a single thought of you regretting loving me, I will die if ever found out you regretted loving me," she said in a shaky tone. He put his hand on her shaky one and put it on his warm chest, "I don't do things that I may regret. And no matter what the future hold for us, Jungkook will never hate his y/n, my love for you is endless and I will always pray for you to be my lover in the afterlife," he put his warm lips on her rosy ones, and she melted into that kiss. She tried to hold back her tears, but she couldn't, "when your precious eyes shed tears, they pierce through my heart y/n," he wiped them off softly.

They sat down on the beach and y/n sat in Jungkook's lap, it was early in the morning so there wasn't anyone besides them on the beach. y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled her face into his neck, "I will miss your scent Jungkookie," he felt her tears wetting his neck. He didn't say anything, but he just kissed her head and hugged her tight. It was time for them to leave but y/n fell asleep in his lap, she was tired from yesterday and didn't get enough sleep. He didn't wake her up but picked her up in bridal style and walked toward the car. But the cameraman Taehyung didn't miss the chance to capture that moment, so he did, "Our picture-perfect couple!" Taehyung said under his breath. After reaching the hotel Jungkook got a notification from Hyung's group chat.

"So, what's your plan for y/n's birthday tomorrow kookie? Are we doing anything at midnight tonight? (Taehyungie)"

"Tell me we are doing something special for her, she told us she didn't celebrate her birthday in the last 4 years now we have to do something for her. (Jiminshi)"

"Sounds good we should do something, what about at the beach? She loves beaches, doesn't she? (Hobi)"

"Damnnnn say something Jungkookie... (Jin)"

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