Family Trip

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They all decided to take a day off tomorrow so they can go shopping and plan more for the trip. y/n and Jungkook came back to his place after dinner, and they sat there for a while the time flew by when everyone is together, and it was almost midnight when they came. Taehyung already told both to wake up early in the morning so they can get the day started on time, but everyone knows the man himself who made the plan was not going to get up early so no one took him seriously. After they came y/n changed into her pjs, she came from the bathroom and Jungkook was not in the room, she looked around and he was on the terrace. She knows that Jungkook is feeling a little down today since she told everyone about her leaving soon. She walked up to Jungkook and hugged him from the back. Her hands were on his chest, and he put his hands on hers, "Y/n when you go back home, I will see you through this moon. This moon will always remind me of you, and it will be the only thing common between us. Will you miss me?" y/n can feel the pain in his voice she knew he was holding back his sobs. "But you miss the person who is gone," she said in a low tone, she turned him back to face her, his teary eyes broke her heart, "and I will always be here," she said putting her hand on his heart. "Y/N will never be far from her Jungkook," her sobs that she was holding back were creating a lump in her throat. "Don't go y/n...please... I beg you y/n, please don't go..." Jungkook said while sobbing and sat down on her feet. She quickly sat down and cupped his cheeks, "Don't do this bub, you are my strength please don't be my weakness. I cannot stay here but I am always yours, please don't do this." No other words were coming out of their mouths they just sobbed in each other's arms.

The night was getting darker, and Jungkook cannot stop himself from thinking about her leaving him. He went into the bathroom to take a shower and under the shower, he cried his eyes out, those tears were mixed with the water, but his red eyes were making it all too clear for anyone to see how much he cried. He came out of the bathroom and y/n was waiting for him, he got in the bed with her, and y/n just put her head on his chest. "Did you cry again Koo?" she asked putting her hand on top of his. "I'm not allowed to cry because the love of my life is leaving me?" Jungkook asked with a broken voice. "Will you cry for me just as same even when you hate me Jungkook?" she questioned him looking straight into his eyes. That stare of her gave a lump in his throat because more than the question that look in her eyes which Jungkook cannot read was colder and scarier. "I will prefer to die than to ever hate you." "I hope I die before you ever get to hate me," y/n said and placed her lips on his. Sometimes Jungkook cannot tell why she says things that she says but this time he did not like it. He broke the kiss and got off the bed, let's say he was already not in a good mood and what y/n just said was like putting oil in the fire.

"What is wrong with you? Why you are always ready to die y/n, do you not love me? I don't matter to you? You really don't care what would happen to me if something happened to you? Do you just care about yourself? You think I will live if you die?" Jungkook was very mad, but he was crying the whole time, he didn't even realize the tears falling from his doe eyes. She got off the bed and stood in front of him with a smile on her face, her bunny looks adorable when he is angry and talks with a pout. "I care for you too, more than anyone else. That's why I would rather die than see the love in your eyes for me fading away. I would rather die knowing you still love me, and that I am still yours. You matter to me the most. And I love you more than anyone my love. I'm sorry now can I have my Jungkook cuddling me to sleep, please? Tae Hyung is going to wake up early in the morning and there is not a lot of night left anyways." He calmed down quickly after the kiss she gave him on his warm rosy lips, "of all the people Tae Hyung is no way getting up early" Jungkook said while wiping his tears.

It might seem like y/n is not as upset as him but, in her defense, she is preparing herself for what the future hold for her. She knows that things are going to be different, she is not going to be with him soon, and she is not going to feel his warmth again. The man who has been with her for the last two months every single day is never going to be with her. She is not going to have someone ever again to cuddle her to sleep, she is never going to wake up to his face again. No one will kiss her goodnight and good morning every day, she will not be spoiled ever again with breakfast in bed. She will go back to her old busy dark life, living in a mansion all by herself, doing a 9 to 5 job, fighting the urge every day to not kill herself, and living with the memories of a man who will hate her forever.

They were sleeping peacefully when someone started to ring the doorbell non-stop and to their surprise it was Tae. Jungkook got up and opened the door, "you guys are still sleeping?? y/n-ssi... wake up, I told you we have to wake up early.... wake up...." He dragged her out of the bed, "Tae hyungie slow down she didn't sleep enough" Jungkook said while holding Taehyung's shoulder so he doesn't drag Y/n. "Listen, mister lover, I am not hurting your girl, I made the breakfast and you both better be there in 10 minutes..." He let go of her arm and left, "everyone else is already up and ready let's go love birds," Taehyung shouted and closed the door behind him. "He really woke up this early?" y/n asked while rubbing her eyes, "Did he drag you too hard, I'm sorry..." Jungkook asked caressing her arm. "Oh no bub! Not at all, I'm fine I promise." Jungkook placed a small but sweet kiss on her lips, she closed her eyes to feel that sweetness deep in her soul. "You know you look heavenly when you wake up in the morning babe," y/n chuckled and bopped his nose, "I look more like a homeless is that what you should be saying my bunny..." "No, you don't..." their cute smiles and laughter filled up the room with love and joy. They both took a quick shower and left for Tae's place to eat the breakfast that Taehyung made for them.

The vibes in the house were very happy and playful, everyone was making plans for where they are going so, they decided to go to Jeju Island. y/n is happy seeing everyone happy and especially Jungkook because he cried a lot the night before and seeing him happy with his brothers makes her heart happy. Everyone got done with breakfast and started to walk toward the cars to go shopping. They had a big van that Yoongi planned to go into because he wanted everyone to spend time together which he won't show but he knows that there isn't a lot of time left with y/n, so he wanted all of them to spend the best time with her. They all rode together to the mall; it was a weekday, so the mall wasn't busy. They all decided to shop for the three-day trip and Taehyung decided that everyone will wear a different outfit for every place, for the beach, for hiking, parks, and for dinners and lunch. He wanted to have a photo shoot at every place they go, everyone was telling him he was going too far with it, but they all agreed when y/n told them to do what he is asking for. "Only because y/n is saying it otherwise I will never..." Yoongi said making a pout.

They started to walk toward the first store, Jungkook and Y/n were holding hands and searching for the best outfits, "Y/N, Jungkook..." Namjoon called their names and they turned to him as soon as they turned to him, he clicked their picture, "Candid, beautiful!" Namjoon said while looking at the picture and smiling. "You two should mix and match your outfits more like couple outfits..." Jimin suggested. "That's a very good idea Jiminshi," "listen Jungkookie only y/n can call me that because she is my little sister you cannot boy," Jimin said while making a cute angry face and Jungkook just patted his head like Jimin is not older than him. Y/N just laughed at how Jungkook teased him and Jimin was complaining about him to Yoongi but Yoongi Hyung is so used to it that he doesn't even bother to say anything. "Babe!!" Jungkook was looking at some beach clothes when he heard her calling him and walked up to her, "Yes, my love?" "Look at that one piece, it will look so good on me..." "Everything will look good on you, but a bikini will look better..." Jungkook looked at her and winked. "Excuse you mister..." y/n said making eye contact with him and giving him a shy smile. "Let's go look at some bikinis and then I will match something with it," he dragged her to the area of the store with the bikinis.

"This one... it will look great on you; I love yellow on you. The color you were wearing when you said the three magical words to me," Jungkook said while holding a yellow-laced bikini for her. They all did their shopping and then went for lunch. "Let's make the best memories together babe," Jungkook said when they got home, she nodded to it and placed a kiss on his lips. They are leaving for their trip in two days, and everyone is very excited for the next two days they are going to be busy planning for their trip.  

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