Imma kill this bastard for calling me.

"Hello?" He answer


"How come?"


"O-okay i will inform big boss." Jisoo drop the call shakily and faced liam like a dog who's tale down.

"B-boss" liam raised his eyebrow waiting for him to finish his word.

"T-the.. Jake and jay are dead and someone took sister in-law." Jisoo said in one breathe, he open his eyes only to greet an dark eyes stating deeply to his soul, his aura increase and the people around him feel suffocated and shivering from his dangerous and cold aura.


Earlier in liam penthouse

After liam leave the guard welcome jay and jake to enter the building, the duo explore the house and eat all food in the kitchen..

They take two cans of a beer on the ref before sitting on the sofa.

Jay guard jennie and liam's room while jay is watching a basketball game on the tv flat screen.

Outside the house the guard where shot dead even the maids, they did not spare, both jay and jake started by the sound of a gun shot.

And hurriedly took their guns out and guard jennie room.

Jay enter the latter room and wake her up after jay tell her what happened she hurriedly stood up from the bed, her body shake when she hear the gun shots, jake on the other hand make a call for back up.

While exchanging bullet with the enemy.

"Shit" he cant help but to curse when a bullet hit his arm. He groan and shake the pain away.

He reload his gun not looking at his surrounding if their is a  enemy in his back.

Before he know it a multiple gun shot can be heard from his back before his body drop in the ground, lifeless eyes shot open and his blood watered the flor.

Jay saw what happened and cant help but to shout in anger towards the enemy and shot his gun.

Memories come flashing on through his mind and forget that he have a mission to protect his boss lover than to grave over his partner in crime.

He shot every enemy he see and shout in the same time his tears rolling to his cheek.

He was so busy graving and getting revenge for his buddy and already forgotten jennie existence who's cry and shaking in the corner.

"Jay!!" She shout but the latter seems like he didn't heard anything and continue shooting.

She was shouting at him helplessly and cant help but to curse him but soon she cover her mouth when she saw jake lifeless body with it eyes shot open with no spark and life at all.

She averted her gazed to jay who's crying and shooting messily in the field with the enemy.

Now she understand why the guy act with out his mind endlessly shooting everywhere.

She pity the guy who have lost his friend but she cant help to cry and shout in her mind that she need protection too for gods sake!

She mentally curse for not taking the training a self defense class that her father suggested her.

Her thoughts cut off when jay pull her to run.

Huhu i thought he forgotten me boohuu.

She mentally cry and let jay drag her, they was about to get out the house to escape, but a sudden man jump on them, jay push jennie aside in the corner and fought with the guy.

They exchange punches and kicks, receiving both parties a blow jay was winning the fight until a gun shout eco the house, he look at jennie if she is okay and sigh in relief when the latter dont have a single scratch on her body, he twist the guy head before walking to her direction.

He was trying to say something but he cough with blood and drop the ground.

Jennie hurriedly go to his side and support his body.

"Sister in-law s-sorry for disappointing you and b-big boss, s-sorry if i can't protect y-you and please t-tell big b-boss im sorry for not accomplishing my mission." He cough and look at his abandon where the bullet hit him.

"D-dont say sorry you did your best to protect me jay-shie, I'm supposed to say sorry because of me you lost you friend and harm your self by protecting me. " jennie sniffed her lips were shaking caused she's holding her sob.

"No i-its okay that's our job to begin with y-you dont have t-to say s-sorry *cough" he cough again with blood and look at the people who's going in thier way.

"R-run sis in-law" he push jennie to run but jennie stood still and watch jay drop on the ground with the mens shot him lot of times.

She was crying mess because of her two souls have god take, she was about to run but the guys was fast and catch her before making her sleep.

"L-liam" that was she last said and thinking about her oppa doting face before going to slumber.

"Carry her and be careful we dont want the psycho to get mad are we?" The lady said to them before walking away from the shadow


Hi:) how are you guys?

My Liam Oppa ( JENLISA/JENLIAM AU)Where stories live. Discover now