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I woke up to the blonde cuddling me with his small hands. his face was all squished from the pillow and his lips were slightly parted along with his hair being a complete mess, he looked so cute.

I guess we ended up in my bed again after the small argument we had.

his light snores made it hard to contain my small giggles cause of how adorable he looked. I wanted to poke his cheeks so bad until I realised I was shirtless and so was felix.

I know that I sleep without a shirt but whenever I'm with him I sleep with clothes, so does felix so why was he shirtless and why was I hot all of a sudden?

I've never seen him sleep without clothes. I nervously gulped at the sight when my eyes came in contact with his abs. I couldn't hold myself anymore so I ran my fingertips gently on his abs without thinking twice, they felt smooth and hard I'd never expect someone like felix to have such attractive abs.

I saw the blonde slowly wake up by my small touches on his body. that shows how sensitive he was, I quickly broke the connection between my fingers and his skin when he looked into my eyes.

the one thing I love about felix is his bare morning face, it's so beautiful. it looked like he didn't know what was happening and he didn't realise his hands were still wrapped around my waist.

"good morning" I smiled as I moved my hand towards his head and slowly petted his messy hair. as I made that movement the duvet had swiftly fallen down now revealing my body.

felix's eyes instantly widen and he removed his hands off my back. he sat up in embarrassment and then the rest of the duvet slipped off his body. I couldn't contain my laughter so I bursted out laughing at the sight of the boy being so flustered.

he grabbed the duvet and covered his torso while hiding his face. I moved closer to felix and removed the soft blanket off his pretty body and then held his chin with my thumb.

"why are you covering your beautiful body?" I asked him seeing him blush more, he looks like he's about to explode. poor boy.

he struggled to speak, no proper words or sentences escaped his heart - shaped lips. oh how I wanted to kiss them, they would feel like pillows on mine.

he looked up at me and his whole face was bright red. felix saw a small smile creep up on lips and he started to giggle. I got even closer to him, barely leaving any space between us causing him to stop laughing.

"can I kiss you" I said as he fell silent. his lips slowly parted in shock and his eyes were glued on mine while mine were on his lips.

"w-what" felix managed to say as he tried to move away.

"please felix" my hand travelled to his chin again this time pulling him towards my face.

"o-okay" he replied and the last thing I saw before connecting our lips together was his cute excited smile.

when I connected our lips I was correct about his lips feeling like pillows on mine. this feeling bought me back to when felix kissed me when he was drunk. I never thought I'd be doing this with a boy but not just any boy, Lee felix.

he whined when I touched his abs, he was really sensitive. as I moved my hands upwards to his chest it was rising up and down rapidly. I found that attractive.

"h-hyunjin" felix breathed when he parted his lips from mine and his hands were placed on my bare chest. his lips were already so bruised and glossy.

we locked eyes and he had a fucked out look on his face. I licked my lips and tried to break the eye contact but I couldn't do that so easily.

"don't look at me like that" I said as I finally broke the eye contact and threw myself on the bed besides the blonde.

"are you done?" felix asked looking at me and catching me off guard.

"what do you mean?" I answered looking back at him.

"are we done kissing already" he said does he want more?

"do you want more?"

"maybe" he replied.

I scoffed and he moved closer towards me placing a soft kiss on my neck. as he was gonna leave I pulled him in making him fall on my body and our bare torsos touching each other.

felix gave in and just melted into my touch, snuggling into my neck while planting tiny kisses, thinking I wouldn't notice.

I ruffled his soft blonde hair earning a small giggle from him, I felt his warm breath on the crook of my neck making me get goosebumps.

"I love you" felix blurted.

my heart dropped. did felix actually say that or am I dreaming my heart was beating so loud that he might of heard it.

what is this boy doing to me.

"I love you too" I replied.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now