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I woke up to the noise of someone's phone ringing. I yawned and then rubbed my eyes to fully wake myself up.

it wasn't my phone, it was felix's.

I quickly went over to his phone to stop the ringing but I saw it was his mother calling him.

I decided to answer and tell her where felix was because i'm guessing she was worried.

"it's okay bye" I said as I hung up after explaining what happened and where felix was.

at first she was worried but then she started to calm down as I told her.

the time was 7:30 am which meant that I had about an hour or forty minutes, which was plenty for me.

I went to the bathroom and decided to take a shower since felix was still sleeping.

after I was done I got out and wrapped the towel around my waist and then did my skincare.

I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes which were on my chair when I heard sounds coming from my bed.

I looked over and felix was turning and tossing around. he opened his eyes for about five seconds and closed them again.

my hand hovered over my clothes when I moved my hand and walked over to felix completely forgetting that I was shirtless.

"hey, are you awake lix?" I asked him as I bent down so I was at the same height as him as he was laying down.

he didn't answer. all he did was hum in response.

I got up and grabbed my clothes off my chair and went back into the bathroom to change.

felix's pov:

I started to turn around in my bed, but for some reason my bed felt unusual, it felt more comfortable.

I forced my eyes opened and my surroundings were unfamiliar but at the same time familiar.

I looked around to see flower paintings hung up on the walls.

it looked exactly like hyunjin's room.

I looked down and I slept in the same clothes I was in yesterday when I came over to his house.

did I sleep in hyunjin's bed?

I slept in his bed?

there's no way.

that surely can't be the case.

I don't remember anything from last night.

right when I was about to end my thoughts the devil himself walked out of his bathroom and saw me awake.

he looked like he just got out of the shower, his hair still damp, his skin glowing and the smell of shampoo.

I looked like a mess right now.

my face was puffy and red, my hair was all over the place, my eyes were half open and half shut, my lips were dry and everything.

"good morning lix, you're finally awake!" he said smiling while walking towards me.

my eyes widen.

am I having a dream right now?

this has to be a fever dream for sure.

"why did I wake up in YOUR bed" I said freaking out.

"hey hey hey, calm down" he said putting both of his hands on my shoulder to reassure me everything is fine.

"last night I told you to stay a little longer and you did, then we watched a movie after it finished I got up to go to the bathroom and when I got back you fell asleep. I tried waking you up serval times but you were in such a deep sleep that you wouldn't even move! I got worried, but then I heard your light snores which meant that you was still breathing so I wasn't worried anymore" he explained.

oh was all I could say.

"but, but my mother! she would be so worried right now, she's probably mad at me!" I said completely forgetting to text her after.

I quickly looked for my phone which was on the nightstand.

"gosh felix, you're so paranoid. I already talked to her she knows" hyunjin told me.

that made me relieved. I wouldn't want my mother to worry about me when she already has enough on her plate.

"you should start to get ready for school" he reminded me.

"ah right" I said standing up and heading into his bathroom.

I wanted to take a shower but wouldn't that be weird? first time taking a shower in someone else's bathroom?

"hey uh, can I maybe use your shower?" I asked him.

"sure go ahead!" he responded.

I half smiled at him as a 'thank you' gesture.

his bathroom looked very plain but very aesthetic. he liked to keep things minimalistic.

after I finished taking a shower there was a spare white towel hanging next to the mirror so I grabbed it and started to dry myself with it.

I had to wear the clothes I wore yesterday and the ones I slept in.


I had no choice, I didn't want to ask hyunjin to borrow his clothes. I dealt with what I had and then start to dry my hair.

I let the towel rest around my neck as I walked out of the bathroom.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now