twenty eight

402 16 6


me and hyunjin had woken up and went to school. when we got the the gates we both parted ways to go to our individual classes. I had first, second and third period with jisung and with hyunjin I had third period.

it was now lunch time and me and jisung both got in the queue to be served. he spotted an empty table for us and dragged me along with him.

"this food is delicious" jisung said as he stuffed his mouth with rice causing his cheeks to be all puffed out, he had a habit of keeping food in his cheeks which made him look like a squirrel.

"slow down or you'll choke" I replied laughing at his cuteness. that peacefulness didn't last long when everyone in the canteen jumped from their seats and starting running while screaming towards a corner near the entrance causing a massive crowd.

mine and jisung's heads turned that direction and it looked like there was a fight going on between two students. I would try my best to stay away from fights to not cause any trouble to myself but jisung's curiosity got him and he stood up and took me with him to see who was fighting who.

as we got closer I could hear people chanting hyunjin's name as they recorded the whole fight. I pushed people aside causing them to groan at me and entered the middle.

"HYUNJIN ENOUGH!" I yelled throwing myself in front of hyunjin and grabbed his wrists to prevent him from throwing anymore punches at the guy that I didn't recognise, I'm guessing it was his enemy.

"YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD!" hyunjin yelled to the boy who was standing while breathing heavily and he had a grin on his face. this was my first time seeing hyunjin in this state. I never saw him yell and curse like that before.

I got hyunjin's belongs and dragged him out of the canteen and outside to a near by bench. he sat down his fists still balled up and his face had a scar that was bleeding. I quickly reached into my bag and pulled out some tissues along with my water bottle and poured some onto the tissue.

"can I?" I asked him while sitting down next to him. he nodded i. response and turned his head to me. I held his chin with one hand and my other gently patting down the tissue on his scar. his soft black hair was flying in the wind making him look really beautiful, he locked eyes with me for ten seconds but I didn't look back and continued cleaning his scar.

"there, I'm done" I said placing the tissue on the bench. I reached into my bag again and this time I pulled out a small container of cream.

"why do you carry that with you?" hyunjin asked fixing his hair. he was absolutely breathtaking.

"because my face tends to get dry since it's cold and I apply some at school" I replied and put some over his scar causing him to squint his eyes shut from the pain. once I was done I decided to blow on it to take away the pain a little.

I bought my face closer to his and aligned my lips with his scar and started to carefully blow on it. his eyes shot open immediately and his eyebrows lifted in surprise and then looked at me.

"why the fuck did you stop me in the canteen?" he suddenly changed his tone and moved his face back while having a disgusted face.


"what, did you expect to leave you there injured? and why are you cursing at me all of sudden" I answered looking at him in confusion.

"I wasn't injured felix I'm fine look can't you see" he said pointing to his face. what's wrong with him, where is he getting this attitude from?

"I don't understand why you're giving me attitude when I literally helped you with your scar. if you're going to continue acting like this I might as well leave" I put the things back in my bag and swung the straps on my shoulders.

"fine leave then" hyunjin spoke making me stop and turn around.

"what did you forget something?"


"oh looks like you did, take it and now you can leave" he said cutting off my sentence and throwing the container of cream at my feet. am I damn dog to him?

"who the fuck do you think I am?" I cursed slamming my bag onto the table making him flinch a little, I'm not gonna let him disrespect me like that.

"you think I'm a goddamn dog to you or something?" I said losing my temper. he stood up towering over me — he thinks he's intimidating me, silly bitch.

"don't fucking disrespe-"

"enough enough, cut the bullshit. relax your tits felix you're so sensitive" he spoke grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. sensitive?

"not allowing you to disrespect is now me being seen as sensitive? what the fuck is wrong with you I thought you were more mature hyunjin" I yanked his hand off my collar and slapped him.

"did you just fucking slap me?" he said slowly lifting his head up.

"yes I did, what are you gonna do about it?" I answered back.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now