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we decided on walking to school, more like hyunjin and we arrived at the school gates.

we got inside and had to say bye to each other before we parted ways to go to our lessons.

something unexpected happened.

"bye hyunjin" I said, but before I could turn and walk away something pulled my arm and into a hug.

hyunjin hugged me.

the hug was warm and soft. the way he hugged me was a normal hug but it felt different

I fell silent at the sudden action that I didn't even hug back. I just stood there like an idiot.

I tried to push him off since we were in school and I didn't want people to think something else, but he was strong.

why isn't he letting me go?

"hyunjin.." I said trying to let go out of the hug and eventually, he let go.

"bye felix" he said as he left.

is he not going to say anything about what just happened?

after all my lessons went by and had finally finished, I exited the school gates and went in my direction.

all I could think about was that hug that hyunjin gave me.

why am I overthinking again..?

you did the same thing with that umbrella felix.

yesterday when I was at hyunjins place, me and jisung agreed on going bowling on friday, which is tomorrow.

I love bowling so much, it's so much fun.

we didn't have school on friday since it was like a teacher's day? or something.

I got home and directly went to the kitchen to make myself some food because I was starving, I don't eat at school; only a little.

I opened the cupboard and grabbed one of the instant ramen I had left, I then poured hot water into it and waited for it to be done.

I quickly boiled an egg to put in my ramen because the egg makes it taste way better.

after I was done eating, I put the ramen cup in the bin and went upstairs to my room.

time passed by and it was time for me to sleep, I was very tired.

I put my phone on silent and then my eyes slowly started to close and I soon drifted off.

I met up with jisung after school and we went to the bowling place together.

we got in and waited for the woman at the counter to give us our lane.

when we got to our lane, we put our bags and coats on the seats provided then started the game right away.

jisung started first and if i'm being honest, it wasn't a very good start.

my turn was next and starting off, I scored a strike. I turned around to my friend and he was shook while he pulled an annoyed face at me.

I  laughed at him and he walked up to roll again.

surprisingly he scored a stroke right after me!

"YES! FELIX DID YOU SEE THAT?" he said while jumping up and down.

"well done jisung!" I commented on his bowling skills.

jisung wasn't terrible at bowling nor was he the best at it. he was in the middle, sometimes he was amazing at bowling, sometimes he does a very bad job.

after a few rounds, well after the game was over, me and jisung decided to go to a kbbq since we were very hungry after playing, laughing, screaming and all of that.

we left the bowling place and headed to the bbq.

when we got in the lady instantly took us to an empty table and left to let us get organised and comfortable.

we ordered our food and waited for it to come.

our food arrived and jisung started to cook the pork belly on the cooking grate.

there were many side dishes as well, like kimchi, bean sprouts, rice, pera leafs, cucumber salad, sesame oil, soy sauce, gochujang and many more.

me and jisung were just eating, when I couldn't stop thinking about that stupid hug hyunjin gave me.

I completely forgot about it at the bowling place but now it appeared in my mind again.

ugh, forget about it already felix.
hyunjin probably forgot about it, why can't you?

I was annoyed at myself because I did the same thing with the umbrella.

"lix are you okay?" I heard jisung's voice interrupt my thoughts.

I looked at him confused about why he would ask me that while we were eating.

lix? jisung was the only person who would call me that. it was a nickname he made for me before hyunjin started to use it.

now when jisung calls me lix, I remember the times hyunjin called me that.

I hate it.

"yeah, why?" I answered him back continuing to eat.

"oh, it's because you were spaced out and had a little pout on your lips" he said as he started to drink his soju.

"i'm fine sung" I said reassuring him.

sung was a nickname I made only for jisung.

he liked it so I started to use it more often.

"let's go now" jisung said starting to pack up and wear his jacket.

we had ate everything and it was all so delicious.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now