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after I got off the bus I started to make my way to the school gates.

the weather was honestly really nice, not too cold and not too warm, it was just perfect.

my school usually started at around 8:15 am and the time right now was 8:10 am. I was five minutes early to school which didn't bother me.

I should do a small introduction of myself quickly.

my name is, Lee Felix and my korean name is Lee Yongbok, but I go by Felix. I am currently nineteen years old (2019 felix) and I'm from Australia but I live in Seoul. when I first came here my korean wasn't the best at all but as time went by I kept learning and learning and in the end, I officially got better.

I have short blonde hair and freckles that cover my cheeks, nose, some parts of my ears and I also have some on my eyelids.

I also have a snowdrop flower cloth patch on my backpack because the flower means hope & purity and I'd like to say it's kind of like a lucky charm?

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I also have a snowdrop flower cloth patch on my backpack because the flower means hope & purity and I'd like to say it's kind of like a lucky charm?

I would continue with my introduction but I was going to be late to school so that's all I could say for now.

I went inside the school building and took out my timetable to see what lesson I had first period. my eyes scanned the piece of paper in front of me and...

"are you joking?" I whisper yelled to myself.

of course I had history first period. god I hate history with every single cell in my body, it's so boring and nearly makes me fall asleep.

while being grumpy I made my way to history class and went inside the classroom.

great I just stepped into this classroom and I'm already feeling miserable. I want history to be over already.

my teacher, Ms. Yeji never changes the seating plan so I just walked over to my seat and sat down, started to take out my notebook and pen then I put my bag on the chair beside me.

I started to copy down the stuff my teacher was writing on the board into my book.

15 minutes later

my eyes were slowly closing halfway through the lesson but I knew if I fell asleep in class I'd be in trouble so I tried avoiding that most of the time.

my eyes started to get very heavy and I couldn't keep them open anymore.

I didn't even sleep that late yesterday why am I so sleepy today? I even got enough sleep.

I just gave in, I rested my head on my arms on the desk. I don't care if I get into trouble at this point I was too tired to even keep my eyes open for a minute.

towards the end of the lesson.

I was in a deep sleep, I didn't even realise someone was tapping my shoulder for god knows how long.

I flinched a little at the sudden touch but then I lifted my head up to see Ms. Yeji's face. she looked disappointed.

well I already know what she's gonna say.

"felix, you know you shouldn't be sleeping in my classes or any other classes" she scolded me like my mother would.

"I know I'm sorry" I apologised while fully waking myself up since I could tell that it was the end of the lesson due to half of the students leaving the classroom.

"don't let that happen again felix" she warned me in a soft tone while turning away to walk back to her desk.

I left the classroom to make my way to my next lesson which was english.

eh, well I don't mind english since jisung my best friend sits in front of me so it isn't that bad.

thank goodness my english teacher isn't as strict as the rest of my teachers.

on my way to english I spotted jisung in the hallways. I quickened up my pace to catch up with him.

"hey jisung!" I raised my voice a little while walking beside him now.

"felixxx, hey man" he said smiling as he brought his hand up for a handshake.

me and jisung always had a special handshake we'd do every time we saw each other.

he was a pretty nice and sweet guy to hang around with, he's also very funny so whenever you're not feeling the best or your mood is down he'd instantly bring it up within seconds.

that's what I love about him, yes he might be an introvert but he's the loudest introvert I've ever seen in my life.

as we were talking we had reached the classroom door to english. we both stepped inside to be greeted by our teacher, Mr. Bahng.

"hello boys go and take a seat please" he smiled as his dimples were on display.

he's always so smiley and sweet.

he's a cool teacher I like him, he might be my favourite teacher if I'm being honest.

"okay sir" me and jisung said at the same time and walked over to our seats.

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now