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"sung" I said randomly.

"yes lix?" he replied.

"can you bring me ice cream please" I looked up at him.

"oh, you could've said you wanted ice cream when we were at the convenience store but yeah, let me see if there's any" he said getting up from the position we were in to go downstairs.

I followed behind him like a little kid into the kitchen.

"choose any flavour you like lix" jisung said as he opened the freezer and revealed all the ice cream flavours.

jisung always had a lot of ice cream, he also loved it as much as me.

I chose a strawberry cone and jisung chose a cookies and cream cup.

we both sat down on the stools in the kitchen and started to eat our ice creams.

"lix, can you tell me something about that hyunjin guy? cause you seem interested, since yesterday you guys were on the phone for two hours" jisung interrupted the silence.

"I am not interested in him" I said taking another bite of my ice cream.

"who even is he? is he like a friend to you? a partner to you? or even maybe a crush?" he stated out all the answers.

"he's not my friend, nor my crush, he's just my partner in art class" I explained, wanting this conversation to end already.

"oh okay, let's just finish our ice cream and go back upstairs" he said noticing the change in my voice.

after finishing our ice creams, dinner, talking, playing games, continuing the anime and cuddling it was time for me to head back home.

I hugged jisung for the last time and he hugged me back before I went home.

the time was 7:23 pm and I called my mother to let her know I'm on my way home even though she was at work.

she didn't pick up.

it's okay maybe she's just really busy.

I got home and my mother would usually come home in about an hour or two.

I decided on staying in the living room and watch some tv since I had nothing to do upstairs in my room.

two hours had passed and my mother did not come home.

why isn't she home? she was meant to be home thirty minutes ago.

I tried not to think about the negative thoughts and tried to calm down but I couldn't. something inside of me felt different.

I called her and she didn't pick up.

I waited a bit more and she still wasn't home.

now I was getting worried.

I called her again and this time, my calls wouldn't go through nor my messages.

that's strange.

I walked back and forth waiting for a message or a call or the handle of the front door to be fiddled around with.


I was on the verge of panicking and to prevent that from happening I went outside and got some fresh air.

the cold air was so refreshing and calmed me down in seconds.

when it got worse again.

what if my mother died?
what if something happened to her?

these thoughts couldn't leave my mind.

just sitting down in front of my doorstep didn't help so I got inside, put on my shoes and went out for a walk.

now it might seem too late for a walk outside but that was what I needed right now.

the street lights were on and it made the environment look really beautiful and safe.

this was comforting, exactly what I needed.

I didn't know how and what I was feeling at the moment so I started to cry.

cry and cry, the tears wouldn't stop.

I was wearing a oversized hoodie with the hood up, because I didn't want people to look at me while looking like a complete mess.

as was I walking to nowhere I bumped into someone.

"sorry" I said without even looking at them and started to walk off but they grabbed my arm.

I looked back at them and it was hyunjin.

he noticed my watery eyes, my puffy face, runny nose, my dry lips and everything.

just like how he did in the morning except I wasn't crying.

"lix..." hyunjin spoke softly.

why did he have to appear at this moment?

I was avoiding him and now he's in front of me.

I looked into his eyes and they only showed one word. worry.

"what are you doing out here at this time?" he scolded me.

"I can ask you the same question!" I said biting on my bottom lip to stop my tears which didn't really help.

"are you okay? why are you crying" he said taking off my hood and then holding my face with both of his hands.

"leave me alone hyunjin" I said as I tried to leave but it didn't work.

"how am I meant to leave you alone when you're in this state?" he said looking at me in the eyes while his gaze soften.

"I'm taking you to my place" hyunjin said as he held my wrist and dragged me behind him.

"hyun-" before I could finish my sentence he opened his car door and waited for me to go inside.

he owns a car?

when we were enemies ~ hyunlix Where stories live. Discover now